Can a wood elf become a drow?

Some stories tell that given the right circumstances, a particularly hateful elf might turn into a drow, though such a transformation would require a truly heinous individual.
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Can elves and drow breed?

There are a couple of canon examples of drow having children with surface elves. The children are always elves, but although they inherit the physical traits of both parents, their mechanics are either one or the other, not a mix of both.
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Are wood elves dark elves?

High Elves are often depicted with blonde hair, Wood Elves with brown and Dark Elves with black, but these changes are minor and cosmetic and the three groups are for the most part physically indistinguishable and all members of the same biological species.
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Can a half-elf be a drow?

Yes, a half-elf could be half-drow.

Some half-elves in Faerun have a racial trait in place of the Skill Versatility trait.
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Are drow just dark elves?

The drow (/draʊ/ or /droʊ/) or dark elves are a dark-skinned and white-haired subrace of elves connected to the subterranean Underdark in the Dungeons & Dragons fantasy roleplaying game. The drow have traditionally been portrayed as generally evil and connected to the evil spider goddess Lolth.
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Putting Dhourn in His Place as a Female Drow - Baldur's Gate 3

What races hate drow?

Drow are generally disliked by surface dwellers because of the reputation of the Lloth-sworn. Githyanki also have a rather fearsome rep, though they're less well-known than drow.
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Why are drow purple now?

Speaking as a fairly long time realms player, while drow are described as having jet black skin, they've often been DEPICTED in imagery with purple or grey skin. this is mostly, because shading black can be difficult so pure black skin would be difficult to shade and add detail.
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What do drow think of other elves?

Most drow share a hatred of all other races, especially surface races but hate most of all the Seldarine and the surface elves (“Darthiir” in Drow). It is the only thing that unites them as a species, leading them to yearn for a return to the surface that will defeat the surface elves.
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Do all drow have white hair?

Drow hair could be stark white, pale yellow and, more rarely, silver or copper in color. It thinned and changed color with age, turning pale yellow for women, and silver or grey for men. Due to the Eilistraeen ritual of The Run, drow of other faiths would often say that silver hair was a sign of mental handicap.
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Can female drow be wizards?

Ilmra was one of the few female drow who decided to study as a wizard in the Arcane Conservatory. She was a classmate of Q'arlynd Melarn.
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What color eyes can wood elves have?

Wood elves were easily identifiable by their coppery skin and green, brown, or hazel eyes. Wood elven hair was usually black or brown, although hues such as blond or copper red were also found.
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What do wood elves love?

Accustomed to a harsh, naturalistic lifestyle, wood elves love to wear leather armor, even when they are not under immediate threat. Wood elves are roughly identical to other elves in height and build, with males larger than females.
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What are wood elves weaknesses?

Fire damage is a reliable method to destroy the Wood Elves, since their strongest units are vulnerable to it.
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Are there male drow?

Male drow with a talent for spellcasting in Menzoberranzan tend to lean towards the arcane (wizard/warlock) rather than the divine (cleric/paladin) as Lolth is unlikely to grant them power. Exceptions are found mostly amongst the “good-aligned” drow, as they tend to live under the rule of Eilistraee rather than Lolth.
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Are moon elves drow?

Often mistaken for Drow by the uninformed, Moon Elves are the secretive subrace of elvenkind that dwell among the Border Islands of Aennamar, hidden out of sight from all but the most perceptive and brave explorers.
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Do drow keep pets?

Drow did not keep animals as pets, as animals could not fully comprehend their dependence on their owners. Instead, many drow took a favored slave as a personal servant or thrall, and treated these people as little more than pets.
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Are female drow stronger?

Female drows are not depicted as taller or bigger physically than male drows, but they are generally better trained and physically a bit stronger. Priestess are also imbued by blessings of Lolth, wich make them more capable in most situations than males.
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What do drow turn into?

Driders were created from drow in an agonizing process that required a yochlol, or to be more precise Lolth's power as channeled through the demon, during the ritual that initiated the process. Only drow could be turned into driders. The change could be reverted with a wish spell.
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Can a Lolth sworn drow be good?

Although the Seldarine and Lolth-sworn subraces can broadly be generalised as good & evil drow respectively, there are notable exceptions found throughout the game: Jhaam, a dead Harper scout found in a cage at the Grymforge docks, was of the Lolth-sworn subrace.
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Do dwarves and drow get along?

Drow and Grimlocks: "many dwarves viewed drow and grimlocks with a similar hatred [to goblins and orcs]" Giants: "few dwarves had forgotten their ancestral hatred of the giants who'd once enslaved them."
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Why are drow so feared?

Drow tend to be feared by most people, because many Drow communities (not all) are actually pushed by Lolth into raiding settlements for slaves and whatnot, but depending on where the Drow character is, there is a chance that people will look at the Drow and just not really care, knowing that any Drow that isn't ...
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What do drow call themselves?

Drow is not derogatory. Drow call themselves Drow.
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Can drow have tattoos?

In the drow society of the Underdark, it was almost unheard of for women to bear tattoos, while males, especially male warriors, were known to have decorative and enchanted facial tattoos.
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What does sunlight do to drow?

Sunlight Sensitivity: While in sunlight, the drow has disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight.
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Can drow see in their own darkness?

Can a drow see in the dark? They have superior dark vision which means that they can see exceptionally well in very low light. But they cant see in pitch blackness. Just think of them as tall, featherless owls.
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