Does dispel magic break invisibility?

Counterspell and Dispel magic are both (non-concentration) spells so invisible people can't get away with casting them without going visible.
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Can dispel magic remove invisibility?

Attacking or casting a spell causes invisibility to fail, regardless of the type of spell, so casting counterspell or dispel magic both make invisibility go away. “The spell ends for a target that attacks or casts a spell.”
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What actions break invisibility?

Technically any action you do, physical or magical is supposed to break Invisibility. Pushing another creature usually takes a great deal of force. As a DM in any of my games, I would break invisibility if someone started pushing someone unless it was for flavor, and not actually doing anything to the NPC.
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Does using a magic item break invisibility?

Opportunity attacks break invisibility. Magic item spellcasting breaks invisibility.
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How do you get rid of invisibility in 5e?

How to deal with invisibility in 5e? Use spells like see invisibility or faerie fire, rely on Perception checks, or create situations where the invisible creature might reveal themselves.
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Dispel Magic is ESSENTIAL: How to Use DnD Spells #23

How do you counter invisibility in D&D?

You can grapple the invisible creature to keep it from moving. A pool of water or mud on the ground can give away a location too. Aoe attacks only need to know the general location of enemies. You can also use an action to look for signs of the invisible enemy and point out its location for allies.
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Can you use dispel magic on invisibility 5e?

Re: 5e Dispelling Invisibility? You don't need to be aware of location. You could cast invisibility on your pet mouse, set the mouse loose in its enclosure and have it start running about in it, turn around, and cast dispel magic, declaring the mouse as your target. All dispel magic requires is that you choose.
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Does counterspell break invisibility?

If they are using the second level spell Invisibility then the answer is yes. Casting a spell causes Invisibility to end and counterspell is a spell. The fact that it is cast as a reaction doesn't change that. Greater Invisibility (a fourth level spell) on the other hand has no such restriction.
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Does dispel magic break magic items?

Dispel Magic did not permanently damage Magic Items; it just suppressed them for 1d4 Rounds.
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Does shoving break invisibility?

Because shove is a bonus action instead of an attack action it does not break invisibility. This means while invisible and hiding you can continuously shove enemies with a 100% chance of success and it never breaks your invisibility or stealth.
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Does using a wand break invisibility 5e?

if it is a spell like ability (ring of invis.), then it does not break because you do not need concentration. If it is an item casting a spell (wand of invisibility), then yes it breaks because you are holding concentration.
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Does Blindsight cancel invisibility?

Per the actual rules and Jeremy Crawford confirming, if you're invisible via the Invisibility spell or Greater Invisibility, and a creature has Blindsight, Truesight, or Wizard lets say casts See Invisibility, they can see you, but you still have advantage to attack and they have disadvantage to attack you. MIND BLOWN!
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Does attacking with spiritual weapon break invisibility?

Yes. The interesting question is let's say the caster gets hit with a fog cloud so now he can't see the target, but the SW and the target are outside of it.
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What can dispel magic remove?

Dispel Magic removes all 3rd level (or lower) spell effects on the target. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. Every spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends.
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What spells does dispel magic work on?

Choose any creature, object, or magical effect within range. Any spell of 3rd level or lower on the target ends. For each spell of or higher on the target, make an ability check using your spellcasting ability.
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Does dispel magic work on everything?

No. dispel magic only affects spells (despite the name, it doesn't affect anything else, including magic items or magical effects that are not spells: this is different from older editions).
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What are the limitations of dispel magic?

The simplest reading of the way dispel magic works is that the only time casting dispel on the caster is useful, is when the caster is the target of the spell. In other words category 1-5 cannot be dispelled by casting dispel magic on the caster (if the caster isn't the target).
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How do you counter dispel magic?

Ways to defend against Dispel Magic.
  1. Use a higher spell slot. Dispel Magic has a harder time dispelling spells that were cast using a higher slot.
  2. Counterspell their attempt to Dispel Magic. ( as you mentioned)
  3. Globe of Invulnerability prevents ALL Dispels Magic. ...
  4. Kill/confuse/etc.
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Why is dispel magic good?

Dispel Magic is a useful tool for removing harmful magical effects, such as curses or spells that are impeding your progress. However, it's important to use it strategically since it can also dispel beneficial spells, such as buffs or protective spells cast on allies.
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Can spells go through the invisibility cloak?

Although powerful, the Cloak of Invisibility was not infallible. While the Cloak itself resisted spell damage, it did not shield the wearer from spells used against them personally.
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Does Hexproof stop counterspell?

The important distinction here is that the creature spell doesn't stop being a spell and start being a creature until the creature spell resolves. The creature has hexproof, the creature spell does not. As such, hexproof does not stop the creature spell from being targetted by a counterspell.
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Does invisibility give advantage on spells?

a creature that is invisible has advantage on attacks, and invisibility granted by the invisibility spell ends when you make an attack, not prior. So the first attack while invisible by that spell grants advantage, then the spell ends.
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Does dispel magic get rid of true polymorph?

True polymorph the proverbial (non-shapechanging) dragon into a slug, put it in a container and concentrate for an hour, then squish the slug. Just to be clear, if after the hour is up and the target drops to 0 hp it does not change back... the effect of true polymorph is then permanent except for dispel magic.
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How do you beat greater invisibility?

See Invisibility is another option, though it's a personal spell. I had a fight recently against a Greater Invis mage at level 6ish and ended it by first using See Invisibility, then attacking until they lost Concentration.
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Can dispel magic remove polymorph?

Baleful Polymorph is an instantaneous effect, which Dispel Magic cannot undo. You Need Wish, Limited Wish (possibly), or Break Enchantment to remove it.
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