Does hex always hit?
Hex doesn't cause any direct damage to the target; it adds an additional 1d6 to other attacks you make against the target. If the target dies you can move hex to a new target. Note that this is different than most spells that don't require a spell attack roll, in that it always succeeds.Is hex worth it at high levels?
yes, yes it is. The main purpose of Hex isn't for the attribute roll (although it can situationally useful) you do it for the extra d6 of necrotic damage, which is particularly spicy when you hit someone with multiple eldritch blasts.Does hex require attack rolls?
No, the spell explicitly states "Ability Checks". Saving Throws and Attack Rolls are unaffected by it. Although it opens some possibilities for grappling / shoving in combat.Is hex worth using BG3?
Hex is good because upgraded eldritch blast can hit a target multiple times, thus proccing the 1d6 necrotic each successful hit. When the target dies, reapply hex to someone else and continue the pain train. It's why warlocks get meme'd on for just blasting everything.Does hex end after combat?
Hex doesn't ever really "drop off" because its damage adds to every attack that hits.Hex is a trap in D&D 5E - Advanced guide to Hex
Does hex break invisibility?
I would say it does not break invisibility. A hex that affects the area an enemy is about to go into won't break it either.How long does hex last?
Hex's duration reads: Concentration, up to 1 hour (higher levels increase duration). This makes it seem as though I can continually use Hex from encounter to encounter only using one spell slot, as long as none of the aforementioned requirements for breaking concentration are met.Can Astarion turn you?
He also becomes more romantically possessive, and, if the player character asks him nicely, will turn them into a vampire spawn, too. Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood.What is the best stat to Hex BG3?
So you'd want to hex whichever stat the spellcaster uses, but only if you expect them to use these spells AND you're casting level 4+ spells. tl;dr: Given the prevalence of Shove in BG3, you probably want to hex enemy Strength or Dexterity. Hexing Constitution does nothing.How much damage does Hex deal?
Hex has a base damage of 10, plus STAB (1.2x), which puts it at 12. The move cooldown is 1.2 seconds.Does Hex trigger on magic missile?
Hex doesn't work on magic missile. This is because magic missile doesn't include any attacks, but instead just deals damage. It's only an attack if it includes an attack roll. However, hex does work on Jim's magic missile, which actually includes attacks.Does Hex apply to each Eldritch blast?
Eldritch Blast is unique among the damaging cantrips because it's the only one that makes separate attacks as it scales instead of just doing more damage, so it can benefit from the extra damage on Hex with each blast.Do you have to target 6 creatures with Hex?
You must target six different creatures. If you can't, you can't cast Hex. If some of the creatures become illegal targets before the spell resolves, Hex will still destroy the rest of them.Does Hex stack with Hexblades curse?
Hex adds a d6 to a pre-existing weapon or spell attacks damage, Hexblades curse applies to a pre-existing attack, so no you couldnt apply it twice as hex isnt an attack, its an additive.Does Hexblade's curse add damage to Hex?
The target is cursed for 1 minute. The curse ends early if the target dies, you die, or you are incapacitated. Until the curse ends, you gain the following benefits: You gain a bonus to damage rolls against the cursed target.Does damage break hex?
Also note that damage may and not will break Hex, so it is a chance to break, much like Fear. Another thing to remember is that it is a curse debuff, not a magic one, meaning that it can be dispelled by druids, mages and (in WotLK) restoration shamans, but not by priests, paladins or felhunters.Does hex reduce Saving Throws?
Too bad it's not saving throw but just ability check.Does spiritual weapon benefit from hex?
Spiritual weapon will trigger Hex since it is worded that you are the one making the melee spell attack. The only hiccup is getting an attack roll cantrip, I can get one from either Spell Sniper (for better range) or Magic Initiate (+2 cantrip and 1st level spell) if I take a feat at level 8.Is Hex good on a monk?
Hex, combined with the Monk's numerous attacks, can be a powerful damage boost and hampering the target's ability checks can make it easy to Shove them prone even if your Strength is relatively poor. You can get a Wisdom increase from Fey Touched, too, which makes this less costly than many feats.Do I let Astarion bite me?
You should probably let Astarion bite you in Baldur's Gate 3 if you want to advance your relationship, but also make sure he stops before he gets too enthusiastic about it.Should I release the 7000 spawn BG3?
Release the SpawnIn general, this is the most recommended option, as Astarion will order his brothers and sisters to send the spawn to Underdark, where they can be safe from sunlight and have plenty of food, so they will not harm and terrorize the citizens of Baldur's Gate.
What happens if you let Astarion feed on you?
When you let Astarion drink your blood, you'll wake up with the Bloodless debuff. Until you long rest again, you'll have a -1 on all checks. The only way to avoid the debuff is to let him kill the character. You can always use a Scroll of Revivify the next morning or pay 200 to have Withers bring you back to life.What is better hex or bless?
The damage bonus for a GWM/Sharpshooter from Bless is usually better than Hex or Hunter's Mark. Let's say you do 20 average damage on a hit with GWM/Sharpshooter. +2.5 to hit is + 12.5% extra chance, for average + 2.5 damage per attack.What does hex effect bg3?
Hex is a level 1 enchantment spell. This spell allows spellcasters to put a curse on a creature and deal additional Necrotic damage to the targeted creature. The curse also imposes Disadvantage on a chosen ability check.How do you treat a hex in bg3?
Touch a creature or object to remove all Curses and Hexes affecting it.
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