Does Ulfric Stormcloak ever become High King?

Ulfric Stormcloak was a Nord warrior, he was the High King of Skyrim and leader of the Stormcloak Army. Ulfric acquired his throne for the first time after a rebellion against the Empire in which he killed the former High King, after which he was crowned the new High King by a Moot.
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Does Ulfric ever become High King?

If you complete the Civil War questline by siding with the Stormcloaks, then Ulfric will become the High King with Elisif just following along, but if you side with the Imperials in the war, then I don't believe you ever see a new High King. technically you don't see one even with the stormcloak quest line.
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Who becomes High King of Skyrim?

In the event that no direct heir to the throne exists, High Kings are selected by a moot, or vote, conducted by the current Jarls of each of the nine Holds. High Kings are traditionally either related to the previous High King, or a Jarl of one of the Holds.
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Does Ulfric have a claim to the throne?

So, Ulfric does not have any claim to the throne. He did not win the honorable duel for the throne, and he does not have the support of the Moot to be elected High King.
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Can you become a Jarl or High King in Skyrim?

No, it is impossible to become Jarl in Skyrim, unless you have a mod where you become Jarl of some town like Helgen which, to my knowledge, doesn't exist yet. Besides, becoming Jarl would become boring since Jarls arent allowed to go beyond their city's walls unless heavily guarded.
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Why Ulfric Stormcloak Is An IDIOT - Skyrim Civil War Lore

Who becomes Jarl of Riften if Imperials win?

Civil War. Maven becomes Jarl if the Imperial Legion gains control of Riften. She will appoint Hemming as her steward and Maul as her housecarl.
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Can I marry a Jarl in Skyrim?

No, it is not possible for a player to marry Jarl Balgruuf in Skyrim, regardless of the player character's gender. While there are many characters available for marriage in Skyrim, such as Aela the Huntress or Farkas of the Companions, Jarl Balgruuf is not one of them.
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Who replaces Ulfric as Jarl?

Brunwulf Free-Winter is a Nord former soldier who lives on the east side of Windhelm and wears scaled horn armor. He is also Ulfric's replacement as Jarl if the Imperial Legion occupies Eastmarch.
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Is Ulfric Stormcloak a hero or villain?

Type of Hero

He believes that Skyrim should free itself from the puppet government of the Empire. Some believe Ulfric to be a hero, while others label him an opportunist, leading him to play the role of one of the main anti-heroes/villains in the game.
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What happens if I let Ulfric live?

If Dragonborn decides not to kill him - General Tullius would strike the final blow and Ulfric is dead. You could, however, never finish the civil war - and then we dont know what happens until the next game is out - when Bethesda would choose a canon ending of the civil war.
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Who is the true final boss of Skyrim?

Skyrim Final Boss fight - Alduin - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
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Who did Ulfric shout to death?

According to Ulfric, he used the power of the Thu'um to shout Torygg to the ground and then finished him with his sword in front of the entire court. Others, Torygg included, say he was shouted to pieces by Ulfric's Thu'um.
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Is Ulfric a Dragonborn?

Ulfric is the odd one out as he is not dragonborn. Ulfric had been training to become a greybeard then the Great War started. He felt he had to go fight for Skyrim and The Empire and left High Hrothgar having already learned some shouts.
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Who kills Ulfric Stormcloak?

General Tullius will then prepare to kill Ulfric, but Ulfric will request that his death be at your hands. You will then be given the choice of executing Ulfric or making Tullius do it himself.
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Who is Ulfric Stormcloak's daughter?

Mera Stormcloak II, also known as Ice-Veins, or The Bear of The East, is the daughter of Ulfric Stormcloak, and the leader of The Stormcloak Remnants, living in Skyrim in the year 4E 201.
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Is Ulfric a Thalmor Pawn?

It seems Ulfric is a Thalmor sleeper agent, albeit a bit uncooperative. It kind of makes sense to me that Stormcloak would be an informant for the Thalmor since the Imperials are both of their enemies.
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Is Ulfric helping the Thalmor?

Although Ulfric despises the Thalmor, in many ways it could be said that his behavior and actions are helping the Thalmors achieve what they want in Skyrim. If the province became independent from the Empire, it would be easier for the Aldmeri Dominion to conquer it.
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Can I betray Stormcloaks?

Yep. If you get the Jagged Crown for the Stormcloaks, you can give it to General Tullius instead and join the Imperials after joining the Stormcloaks.
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Is Ulfric brainwashed?

Skyrim: The Thalmor Manipulated And Brainwashed Ulfric

Due to this (and injustices throughout the Great War), Ulfric began a rebellion movement called the Stormcloaks to secede from the Empire and restore the rights of the Nordic people.
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What happens to Elisif if Stormcloaks win?

Elisif is the only Imperial Jarl who stays in power if the Stormcloaks take control of her hold.
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What happens if Ulfric wins?

A Stormcloak victory in the civil war leads to Ulfric becoming High King of Skyrim and declaring the country's independence. This leaves the Tamrielic Empire with only the Cyrodiil and High Rock territories, alongside several smaller provinces.
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What happens to whiterun if I join the Stormcloaks?

Whiterun will not have any changes, except that it will now be counted as a Stormcloak city. Fast traveling to Windhelm after entering Whiterun will cause the same thing to happen, except Ulfric will not call the Dragonborn a coward.
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Can you marry Karliah?

Now you can marry her and you can achieve your goal of wanting to marry karliah. Of course, you have to finish the theives guild questline. Enjoy! *UPDATE* I've added dialogue for her for the wedding and marriage items I even added her giving you affection for when you ask for things.
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Can you have two husbands in Skyrim?

No. It's only possible to marry one NPC through your entire gameplay, unless you play on the PC and use console commands (to divorce your current spouse in order to marry a different NPC), it might be possible to marry two NPC's with mods, but I couldn't know for sure.
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Can you marry vex Skyrim?

No. He is not in the “marriageable” faction.
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