Does Scout love her father?

Scout loves her father and can also be found on his lap reading with him on most evenings. Even though Scout can find Atticus boring at times, she trusts and loves him very much. Atticus is an exemplary father, who supports and cares for his children throughout the story.
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How does Scout feel about her father?

She believes Atticus to be frail and without talent because he isn't like the other fathers in Maycomb. At the end of the chapter, when Atticus shoots the dog, she is dispelled of these thoughts. This chapter is another stop on Scout's journey of losing her innocent view of the world.
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Does Scout have a good relationship with her father?

They have their differences, but still enjoy each other's company and play games with each other. Scout and her father(Atticus) have a good relationship. They both enjoy reading together before going to bed.
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What is Scout's relationship with his father?

Atticus and Scout's relationship was very different, however. Scout described him as a "satisfactory father," as he read and player with her, though he was also very focused on his work and disipline of his children, as any father was during the time period this book took place.
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Who does Scout love the most?

One Finch Family's love for each other is how much Scout loves Atticus. She loves him very much and shows it as much as she can. Both Jem and Scout respected Atticus a lot because he respected them and treated them like adults. These kids were ready to stop everything to make Atticus happy.
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Atticus Finch Teaches His Daughter Scout the Best Lesson in To Kill a Mockingbird

Who is Scout's boyfriend?

Answer and Explanation: Charles Baker "Dill" Harris is Scout's fake fiance in To Kill a Mockingbird. He is Jem and Scout summer neighbor from Mississpi. He visits his Aunt Rachel every summer and the three galavant around town.
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Does Scout miss her mom?

Their mom died of a heart-attack when Scout was two. That is why Scout does not remember her and it is the reason why Jem sometimes tells Scout about their mom.
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What does Scout call her father?

Scout calls her father "Atticus." This is also unusual because "Atticus" is her father's first name and most American children don't call their parents by their first names.
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What does Scout learn from her father?

She is also exposed to the terrible injustice and racial prejudice that overcomes Maycomb's community, and sees how this outright bigotry has severe consequences. Atticus also teaches Scout the meaning of true courage, in both a physical and a moral sense, and how true bravery is often not appreciated by the majority.
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Why does Scout call her dad by his name?

Calling him by his first name shows that the father and his children see each other as equals. Scout and Jem call their father by his first name because its more formal to them." They also saw their father as distant; hence, the formality of addressing him as his first name.
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Do Scout and Dill kiss?

Before they say goodbye, Dill kisses Scout and bawls, asking them to write.
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Who told Scout not to read with her father anymore?

Scout is excited about starting school. “I never looked forward more to anything in my life” (20). Jem tells Scout that she is “to leave him alone” (21) while they are at school. Miss Caroline tells Scout that her father should not teach her anymore because it will interfere with Scout's reading.
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Is Atticus actually Scout's father?

Atticus is a lawyer and resident of the fictional Maycomb County, Alabama, and the father of Jeremy "Jem" Finch and Jean Louise "Scout" Finch.
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Why is Scout no longer ashamed of her father?

Scout knows Atticus is older than most of her peer's parents, at first she is upset about it, eventually she learns that it's not bad to have an older parent. Scout realizes this when Atticus shoots the dog, Tim Johnson, without glasses.
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Why does Scout refer to her dad as Atticus?

Karen I think Atticus was the father of Jem and Scout. I think they called him Atticus because they didn't have a mother to direct them to call him Dad or Father and he didn't seem to mind. He was Atticus or Mr. Finch to everyone.
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Why does Scout not remember her mom?

Atticus's wife died when Scout was two, so she does not remember her mother well. But Jem, four years older than Scout, has memories of their mother that sometimes make him unhappy.
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What does Scout learn in the end?

In Scout's case, she learns to not judge people before she has a chance to see thing from their perspective. At the end of the book, Scout finally learns this lesson, as she says: "Atticus, he was real nice" which indicates her realization that some people are not what rumors say they are.
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How do Jem and Scout feel about their father?

Jem and Scout lament the fact that "Atticus was feeble: he was nearly fifty." The children believe that Atticus' "advanced" age keeps him from doing the sorts of things other children's fathers do. Their view of their father changes when they see him shoot a mad dog.
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What is Atticus most famous quote?

Shoot all the bluejays you want if you can hit 'em, but remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.
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Why does Jem call Scout a girl?

Introduced in these chapters, the issue of femininity and women's roles in Maycomb society is a significant theme in To Kill a Mockingbird. Jem criticizes Scout for acting like a girl, frequently making statements like "'I swear, Scout, sometimes you act so much like a girl it's mortifyin'.
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When Scout asks her father if they are as poor as the Cunninghams?

“Are we as poor as the Cunninghams?” “Not exactly. The Cunninghams are country folks, farmers, and the crash hit them hardest.” Atticus said professional people were poor because the farmers were poor. As Maycomb County was farm country, nickels and dimes were hard to come by for doctors and dentists and lawyers.
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Why does Scout not like being called a girl?

Scout responded by joining them because being called a girl became an insult to her. Jem's statement made it seem like girls are cowardly and fearful. Scout was seen as a tomboy to some and a girly girl to others. …
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Did Scout lose her innocence?

“To Kill A Mockingbird” is a novel written by Harper Lee and is one the most well known american novels in the world. The story is written in perspective of a young girl named Scout who throughout the story loses her innocence as she sees the reality of the world. Scout lives in a small town called Maycomb.
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Does Scout beat up her cousin?

One night, Francis tells Scout that Dill is a runt and then uses an offensive racial slur to belittle Atticus, who sympathizes with Black people. Scout curses Francis and beats him up. Francis tells Alexandra and Uncle Jack that Scout hit him, and Uncle Jack spanks Scout without hearing her side of the story.
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Why does Scout beat him up?

Answer and Explanation: Scout blames Walter for her punishment and for getting her off on ''the wrong foot'' on her first day of school, so she begins to beat him up on the playground.
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