How big is AC Mirage map compared to Valhalla?

According to these calculations, Assassin's Creed Mirage's total map size is 45 km², with the playable area being 13 km². This makes the game larger than both of the titles Ubisoft previously compared it to, but fortunately, much smaller and more manageable than entries such as Odyssey or Valhalla​​​​.
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Is AC Mirage map bigger than Valhalla?

Stay ahead of the game!

It's clearly a lot smaller than the map of Assassin's Creed Valhalla, the total area of which amassed to almost a hundred square kilometres. But this isn't a bad thing. Many fans and critics thought the maps of Valhalla and Odyssey were a little too big, making the gameplay repetitive.
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How big is the game Assassin's Creed Mirage?

The file size of Assassin's Creed Mirage is approximately 25-30 GB on PC and 20-25 GB on consoles. According to Ubisoft's official website, the game's file size on PC is listed as 25.3 GB, while the file size on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One is listed as 20.3 GB and 24.3 GB, respectively.
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Why is Assassin's Creed Mirage smaller than Valhalla?

According to Ubisoft, Assassin's Creed Mirage, the upcoming spin-off, is smaller and more “intimate” because fans grew tired of these giant RPGs. And the devs were more than happy to go in this direction with the latest game in the franchise.
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What AC game has the biggest map?

In terms of measurements, Assassin's Creed Odyssey has been calculated to be the largest map of the franchise with Valhalla's combined maps of . The map is an incredible 90.7 square miles in total, however, it is worth noting the majority of this is made up of seas to traverse from island .
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Assassin's Creed : Mirage Map Size comparison

Which AC game is hardest?

6 Hardest Assassin's Creed Games To 100 Percent
  • 6 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood.
  • 5 Assassin's Creed 4: Black Flag.
  • 4 Assassin's Creed Origins.
  • 3 Assassin's Creed 3.
  • 2 Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
  • 1 Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
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What is the smallest Assassin's Creed map?

While the city of Baghdad features plenty of open wilderness around it, it's still the smallest open-world map the series has seen in a long time, and we'll break down the exact size that you can explore.
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Should I play Valhalla or Mirage?

Regarding fun, you'll need to decide what type of Assassin's Creed experience you want. Assassin's Creed Valhalla is a deeper and more complex experience with a much larger map. In comparison, Assassin's Creed Mirage harkens back to the days of Altaïr and Enzio, focusing on assassinations.
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Why is Assassin's Creed Mirage only 50?

It's also shorter than those RPGs, which might explain why Ubi is selling Mirage for just $50. Not that Mirage will be a short game—it'll apparently take 20-23 hours to complete, which is exactly in-line with the classic AC games Mirage is emulating.
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Is AC Mirage really short?

Assassin's Creed Mirage length

The Baghdad map is large, and there are plenty of side activities and collectibles to get, but you can get through the story in under 20 hours if you really speed through Assassin's Creed Mirage. Here's how long I reckon it'll take you to beat AC Mirage based on how you play.
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Why is AC Mirage adults only?

Assassin's Creed Mirage has been rated AO for Adults Only by the ESRB due to it containing "real gambling". This implies that it'll feature lootboxes of some kind and also makes it the first game developed by Ubisoft to receive such a high age rating.
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How old is Basim in AC Mirage?

We know that Basim start the journey with Hidden Ones at the age of 17, and it's confirmed that the story of Mirage begins in 861, which means Basim was born in 844. And that make him only 33 years old in 877 when he was hung on the tree. Isn't that too young for what he looks like in Valhalla?
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What year is AC Mirage set in?

In 861 CE, Basim is a young street thief living in Anbar with his childhood friend and companion, Nehal.
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Is Mirage as long as Valhalla?

Assassin's Creed Mirage is 5 times shorter than Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
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How big will a mirage map be?

According to these calculations, Assassin's Creed Mirage's total map size is 45 km², with the playable area being 13 km². This makes the game larger than both of the titles Ubisoft previously compared it to, but fortunately, much smaller and more manageable than entries such as Odyssey or Valhalla​​​​.
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Is Mirage and Valhalla connected?

It is revealed that Nehal is actually Basim. In a Fight Club-like twist, it turns out that she's an aspect of Basim's personality that manifests as an imaginary friend. And so everything Nehal did, Basim did – right down to killing the Caliph. And this is where Mirage connects to Assassin's Creed Valhalla.
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Is Altair in Assassins Creed Mirage?

In Assassin's Creed: Mirage, Basim can equip costumes that change the appearance of his robes, including the appearance of Ezio and Altair from the original games in the series. These will not cost players real money, but they are not acquired within the game and must be found elsewhere.
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Will AC Mirage be open-world?

With both a large central city to explore, and its wider outskirts, Assassin's Creed Mirage manages to be the best of both worlds, combining the original series' more streamlined approach to open-world design with the more recent RPG's focus on larger open-world areas.
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Is Basim better than Ezio?

Basim is, yes, strong, but he doesn't reach the heights of Connor Kenway or Ezio Auditore. Connor is literally a super soldier and Ezio is trained in many fighting skills, with Ezio being the strongest/skilled assassin among the protagonists.
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Is Basim evil in Mirage?

Basim is arguably the true main antagonist, as he is Evior's archenemy, secretly posing as Evior's mentor and vowing revenge on her for murdering his son, while King Alfred is only the main antagonist, because he was the one who created the Templar Order, making him overall the true overarching antagonist of the entire ...
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Which Assassin's Creed is longest?

Assassin's Creed's Valhalla is the series' venture into Norse history and mythology. It's easily the series' biggest game; the average time to complete its main story is 60 hours, according to How Long to Beat (15 hours longer than the next biggest, Odyssey).
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Which AC map is the biggest?

Assassin's Creed Odyssey Has A Bigger Map Than Valhalla

In terms of measurements, Assassin's Creed Odyssey has been calculated to be the largest map of the franchise with Valhalla's combined maps of both England and Norway coming in second and Origins' Egypt coming in third place.
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What is the lowest rated Assassin's Creed?

Commonly considered the worst Assassin's Creed game, Unity has a Metacritic score of 72 with a User score of only 5.6.
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