How do I get to pure black tendency?
Die in the world you want to take to black in body form. Go back to the Nexus, then go back to the world in body form and do it again. World tendency only updates once you go back to the Nexus, so every time you die in body form you have to return to the Nexus to get the WT a notch closer to pure black.How do I get to pure black World Tendency?
To get Black or Pure Black World Tendency, then you must repeatedly die in Body Form in that particular area. Just use a Stone of Ephemeral Eyes in order to do this, which will resurrect you to Body Form.How do you get black Character Tendency fast?
Kill merchant in 1-3. The wiki says you only need to kill 4 or 5 NPCs to get from Pure White to Pure Black. invading is the easiest/cheapest way to reach pure black character and world tendency.How do you know if tendency is pure black?
As you might guess from the name these events only occur when each area's World Tendency is Pure Black, marked by a glowing black eye with red sparks. Pure Black Tendency will spawn a Black Phantom and a Primeval Demon in each World.How do I change my soul tendency?
Some things that change your Tendency are:
- Dying while Human will cause your world to shift towards Darkness (Dying as a Phantom will not change your Tendency)
- Killing a Boss Demon will cause your world to shift toward Light.
- Doing good deeds for NPCs will cause your world to shift toward Light.
Demon Souls: How to get Pure Black World Tendency FAST AND EASY
How to get dragon bone smasher without pure white world tendency?
I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but you can walk through the rubble in the Dragon God's room that blocks the Bone Smasher if you load the game in cinematic mode.Does killing black phantoms increase world tendency?
Each named phantom gets you +3 World Tendency points, meaning killing one will bring you from Pure Black to Neutral. This WT shift occurs even if the Black Phantom dies of fall damage. Black Phantom Ostrava and Black Phantom Garl Vinland do not count for this.How many endings are there in demon souls?
Demon's Souls has two different endings that basically boil down to a "Good" ending and a "Bad" ending. Luckily, there's only one choice players need to make near the end of the game to get either one, so they won't need to check off a bunch of requirements.How do you upgrade Dragon Bone Smasher?
Dragon Bone Smasher can be upgraded up to +5 at Blacksmith Ed using Colorless Demon Souls.What does pure black character tendency do?
Pure Black TendencyEssentially the exact opposite of characters with Pure White Tendency. Maximum hit points will in Soul Form are decreased and damage done whether in Soul Form or as a Blue Phantom are gone as well. For players that enjoy invading other players, they'll see a rise in damage output as a Black Phantom.
Does pure black tendency make bosses harder?
Basically, yeah, world tendency will make a difference, Pure White would be a breeze compared to Pure Black, on most bosses.How do you shift to pure white tendency?
In most areas, each boss the player defeats will increase their World Tendency by 45%, meaning beating all three will result in achieving pure white. The trick is that players need to make sure not to shift towards black at all during this endeavor, which means no killing NPCs.Does dying in the nexus affect tendency?
You don't have to kill a boss in body form to get WWT. You can kill them in soul form. THE WT in the nexus doesn't affect anything though.Does killing primeval demons affect character tendency?
* Conversely, killing demons (bosses or primeval demons), specific black phantoms (see above and links) or invading players will move a realm to Pure White. 2.) Character Tendency is based on your actions. Unlike World Tendency, dying has no effect on Character Tendency.Is talisman of beasts good?
It has the second highest magic power of the catalysts in the game, but with high enough Magic/Faith stats the Talisman of Beasts can outscale even the Insanity Catalyst.What does pwwt look like?
The archstones on the WT screen will glow or darken in degrees. PWWT is so bright it looks like there is a slight reddish lens flare on the archstone. If you can't access a PWWT event, you're likely one or two steps away in terms of shifting WT.Where is the Dragon God?
Dragon God is the final boss of the Stonefang Tunnel Archstone, located at the end of the Underground Tunnel zone. This is a puzzle (or gimmick) boss fight that can be beaten at just about any level, though it can be incredibly annoying.How many dragon bones does it take to make armor?
To craft Dragon armor (including a shield), you'll need a total of 12 dragon scales and 6 dragon bones; this figure goes up if you decide you want to make weapons or scaled armor as well. Dragons drop 1 to 3 of both scales and bones when they die.Why can't i get the Dragon Bone Smasher?
You need to kill a boss after killing the Black Phantom and Primeval Demon. For you, if you've already killed the Dragon God, your Dragon Bone Smasher will have to wait until New Game +. If not, off the Dragon God and you'll have Pure White.Is there a bad ending in Dark Souls?
There are two; the normal ending and the “bad” ending. Link The Fire and Age Of Dark, respectively. The first one is just you playing the game normally; ring the bells,summon Frampt, get the Lordvessel and place it, collect the Lord Souls, put em in the Lordvessel, get to Gwyn, kill him, link the Fire.Who is the final boss in demon souls?
Old King Allant is the final boss of the Boletarian Palace Archstone, found at the end of The King's Tower zone. He is considered by many to be the most difficult of all the bosses in Demon's Souls due to his high health pool, powerful attacks, and mix of melee and ranged options.What is the true ending of demon souls?
The Maiden in Black then lulls the Old One back to sleep and ends the second scourge, as well as the spread of the fog. This is commonly known as Demon's Souls' good ending.Can you go from pure black to pure white?
***IMPORTANT NOTE*** in order to go from pure black to pure white, you need to leave at least 1 boss alive in the world, then kill the primevil demon (big blob, doesnt move), NAMED black phantom, and then the boss, all in one shot, and THEN return to the nexus. then poof, pure white.Can you be invaded in the Nexus?
No invasions in Nexus, although that could be fun if it were possible. If you finish the world and you are not in pure white WT then there is no way to raise it any higher until NG+.How do you get a foe ring?
Foe's Ring can be obtained from Mephistopheles after completing the mission to kill Yuria the Witch.
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