How do I use my wish in DragonVale?

Once you place the Wishing Well in your park you can tap it to claim your Wish. If you do not place the Wishing Well in your park when initially prompted, it will be placed into your gifts menu so you can collect and place it at your convenience.
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What is the best thing to claim a wish on in DragonVale?

If a wish is used for a dragon, it will be a normal dragon – not a Twin or a Rift dragon. The most recommended items to spend the wish on are : Dragonsai Gifting Tree/Dragonsai Bush. If the Gifting Tree is owned it allows a player to gift gems to an additional 3 friends.
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What dragons to wish for in DragonVale?

If you wish for an island, choose late game island, if u choose a dragon make it Chromacorn or Corrupticorn and if u choose a building do relic or monument of the epics, and omnitats are an ok decision, it really depends on your wants or needs in game.
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How often can you use the Wishing Well in DragonVale?

Backflip Studios has confirmed that players will only get one wish from the Wishing Well. This is now known to be untrue as one wish is earned per 100 days, and they accumulate if you don't spend them.
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What is the best dragon in DragonVale?

The kaiju dragon is the strongest known dragon in all the vale. Witnesses swear they've seen a pack of kaiju dragons pulling entire mountain ranges in their wake, just as casually as you might pull a cart of robes.
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How to best spend your wish in Dragonvale

What are the hardest dragons to breed in Dragonvale?

Epic Dragons are rare dragons that are hard to breed.

Rainbow, Double Rainbow, and Triple Rainbow Dragons require a breeding combination that encompasses at least 4 elements total.
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What are the rarest dragons in Dragonvale?

Dragons Classified as Rare
  • Arctic Dragon.
  • Vortex Dragon.
  • Halo Dragon.
  • Trench Dragon.
  • Lapis Dragon.
  • Amber Dragon.
  • Jet Dragon.
  • Jade Dragon.
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What is the biggest island in Dragonvale?

THE GARGANTUAN ISLAND! One must shout its name to do justice to such a magnificent swath of space. So much room for activities! The Gargantuan Island is so big that the bottom of the island does not appear on the screen.
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Do shrines do anything in Dragonvale?

Shrines are decorations which commemorate your progress by recording the number of dragons of each element which have been raised to level 10, 15 and 20. They are no longer required in order to level your dragons. There are currently ten elemental shrines.
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Do decorations matter in Dragonvale?

The gaming purpose of decorations is solely for earning experience and attracting more visitors. Other than the different types of paths (which can be sold back for the same price), all decorations sell for half of their purchase price. All decorations, except for paths, reward experience equal to half their cost.
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What is the most expensive dragon in DragonVale?

The Diamond Dragon is the most expensive gemstone dragon. The Diamond Dragon cannot breed with any other dragon, including breeding with another Diamond Dragon.
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What to breed to get a dark dragon in DragonVale?

The Dark Dragon can be bred by:
  • using any two dragons, in either order, containing only the Dark element at any Breeding Cave.
  • using any two dragons, in either order, containing only the Dark and Light elements at any Breeding Cave.
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What is the easiest way to make money in DragonVale?

Panlong Dragons: One of the fastest ways to earn cash from a habitat, and a method that is fairly easy to manage, is an Earth Habitat with three Panlong Dragons in it. At level 10, Panlong Dragons earn 194 dragoncash per minute.
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How do you get money fast in DragonVale?

Some of the most common ways to earn DragonCash include, but are not limited to:
  1. Collecting from habitats.
  2. Competing in the Colosseum (the amount of cash earned depends on the dragon used)
  3. Racing in the Dragon Track.
  4. Completing Quests.
  5. Selling unwanted dragons/pedestals, habitats, or decorations.
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How many islands are in DragonVale?

The game has a maximum park level of 175, and there is a total dragon count of 781 (213 elemental dragons, 384 special dragons, and 335 epic dragons), a decoration count of 562, and an island count of 33 (not including five special islands).
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What is the hidden egg in DragonVale?

The hidden egg would be hidden in the park when the visitor's button had one golden egg and one violet egg on it. The location of the hidden egg changes each time the player exits the game and reloads it until it is found and collected. The Hidden Egg can only be collected one per reset cycle.
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Does the Crystal Castle do anything in DragonVale?

The Crystal Castle is where Sandakloz and his helpers work tirelessly all winter to conjure gifts for the denizens of DragonVale. We'll keep any iceberries you find here until they're ready to be used. Crystal Castle is a structure which plays an important part in the Season of Goodies Event.
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What are hidden dragons in DragonVale?

Hidden dragons are known for their incredible camouflage abilities. The hidden dragons can merge almost perfectly with their surroundings, you will never know you are near one until this dragon will act.
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What dragon makes the most gold DragonVale?

  • Nox is the best (1,488 dc/m), but the habitats that it lives in can't hold much.
  • Iden is 2nd (1,414 dc/m), but the habitats it lives in are expensive and can't hold much either.
  • Ocular is 3rd (1,285 dc/m), it has an option to buy the best habitat for 75 gems, and it can hold a hefty amount.
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Does DragonVale world still exist?

As of November 20th 2019, the game has since been removed from the App Store and in-app purchases have been disabled, meaning new players will no longer be able to legally download and play the game.
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What is the most expensive habitat in DragonVale?

The Large Treasure Habitat is the most expensive habitat in the game that can be purchased with dragoncash.
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What is the rarest egg in Dragonvale?

The Rare Egg of Mystery is a purchasable object from the "Dragons" section of the Rift Market that allows the player to obtain a random rare dragon from among any rare dragon in the game.
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Is triple rainbow dragon rare dragonvale?

Much to the surprise of Zamora, triple rainbow dragons do exist, as it appears nature has indeed found a way. And although thought to be pretty tough to find, there have been plenty of sightings of this curious dragon recently.
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What are the fastest dragons in Dragonvale?

The epic, galaxy, gemstone, and crystalline dragons have a relatively consistent fast speed in all different races. Accordingly, these dragons will only be competing against other epic, galaxy, gemstone or crystalline dragons.
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