How do you attract more cannibals in the forest?

Though all fires attract cannibals and mutants during the night, the bonfire is by a very wide margin the best at attracting them, causing droves to approach from a large distance around. Only light a bonfire if you want a fight, as nights are considerably more dangerous while one is lit.
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Does noise attract enemies in The Forest?

Noise made by the player can give away the players location. When enemies detect a noise, they will check the area of where the noise was made. It is unknown how this mechanic operates exactly, though it seems to be fairly accurate in terms of a real life situation.
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What attracts mutants Sons of the Forest?

All mutants are aggressively hostile towards humans, be they cannibals or the players. They are not hostile towards other mutants even if they are of a different variety, with the except of Virginia and John 2.0. They are attracted to player built structures similarly to the cannibals.
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How often do cannibals attack in The Forest?

As you explore The Forest, you will encounter Cannibals at just about every turn, with few quiet moments between (especially as the days progress). They range from weak to strong—and while they may share many behaviors, some Cannibal variants bring with them specialized weapons and are extremely dangerous in numbers.
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Can you befriend the cannibals in The Forest 2?

Can You Befriend The Cannibals? It's not entirely possible to become friends with Cannibals in Sons of the Forest. However, there are ways to effectively reduce their aggressiveness towards you. It required you to equip either the red or the gold mask found on the island.
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Səni axtarıram 13.03.2024 Tam veriliş / Seni axtariram 13.03.2024 Tam verilish

Can you make peace with the cannibals in the forest?

It will not be possible to build mutually beneficial relations. Cannibal AI adapts to the player. If you actively feud with Cannibals and ravage their villages, kill their relatives, they will more actively seek battles with you. If not, they will be a little less aggressive, but still quite hostile.
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Can the cannibals climb in the forest?

As you may have noticed, the cannibals in Sons of the Forest are quite good at climbing, so they'll leap over walls with no trouble at all.
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What attracts cannibals The Forest?

Though all fires attract cannibals and mutants during the night, the bonfire is by a very wide margin the best at attracting them, causing droves to approach from a large distance around. Only light a bonfire if you want a fight, as nights are considerably more dangerous while one is lit.
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Why are no cannibals attacking me in The Forest?

In the early game, the cannibals that inhabit the forests will be unsure of the player and act strangely toward them. They will follow but not attack, often hiding in bushes or fleeing when spotted. Players should avoid killing them outright, as the AI will remember hostile behavior and retaliate in the future.
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Can cannibals break tree houses The Forest?

Yes the fire cannibals and mutants can easily knock down tree houses unless you wall them in. But building a tree house on a large tree that the cannibals pray it is indestructable. They don't grieve for dinner. They do get angry that you kill one of their pack though.
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How do you get creepy armor?

The only way to get Creepy armor in Sons of the Forest is to skin large mutants, mainly found underground in caves and some bunkers. The most common mutants that drop Creepy armor are known as Fingers.
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What is the best weapon in The Forest?

The modern axe is considered the best overall weapon in the game, with quick swinging, high damage, and efficient tree cutting. It is regarded as one of the best weapons available in The Forest.
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What is the strongest mutant in The Forest?

Masked mutants are the strongest and most aggressive tier of mutants, having more health and giving more damage than other mutant types. They are a pale gray and wear the faces of the dead as masks. Though they rarely spawn before day 20, they are more commonly found late game.
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How do you get 100% stealth in the forest?

Stealth armor is the only way to increase stealth to 100% on normal and hard mode. On hard survival mode, stealth benefits are reduced by 50% making it impossible to reach 100% stealth. It greatly assists the player in performing Stealth Kills, which kill Cannibals in one hit. Wearing Bone Armor reduces stealth.
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Why should we not make noise in the forest?

Noise in the forest can cause problems for both animals and vegetation. As a result, we should avoid making noise in the forest. A piece of land with plenty of trees is called a forest. Forests are essential for the survival of many animals.
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What is the hardest enemy in the forest?

Creepy mutants are some of the most deadly enemies found on the peninsula. They are larger and more dangerous than the standard peninsula mutants, able to kill the player and destroy structures in just a few hits. The Creepy Mutants are grossly disfigured, and seem to be made of multiple bodies stuck together.
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Do bonfires attract cannibals?

Fire, especially if lit in an open area and during the night, will attract Cannibals and Mutants. There is a fire warm whole house system that was introduced in v0.
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What color attracts cannibals in The Forest?

The circle artifact added on The Forest in the latest patch is used to either repel or attract the cannibals. Right click (blue light) repels the cannibals and left click (red light) attracts them to the person holding the artifact.
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What is the best weapon against cannibalism in The Forest?

Whether the player needs to wipe out some cannibals, mutants, or even the final boss, the Flare Gun is the weapon to do it. It's basically like shooting a burning bullet of fire at the enemy which seems to do some huge damage and keeps burning them for a while, so it doesn't just hit once and be done.
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Can cannibals climb stone walls the forest?

yes cannibals can jump walls. make your walls taller. and away from tall trees that they can jump from.
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Can cannibals jump over rock walls the forest?

The player can also stack multiple rock walls on top of each other to make a higher one. A cannibal can jump over a wall that is only one or two layers high. They can be built into single pillars, platforms, walls, houses and many other things.
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How do you escape cannibals in the forest?

Another way to scare the cannibals is to construct an effigy. These effigies can be crafted by combining sticks, rocks, and body parts. Cannibals will run away from an effigy, but only if it is daytime and on fire. It acts as a useful deterrent, but only temporarily.
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Is it possible to beat the forest on peaceful?

Peaceful Mode

It appears to be about as strong as in Normal Mode. you are also able to gain creative mode by defeating the End Boss. The best way to kill the boss is to use 20 molotovs and 1 successful hit of dynamite from the door that you can get out of the boss room.
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What to do with dead cannibals the forest?

A body or corpse is an object that is left when a cannibal is killed. They can be picked up and moved by pressing E nearby them, and they can be dropped using G . Individual body parts such as heads, legs, and arms can be individually cut off of a body by hitting its respective joint 3 times.
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Can you do the story in the forest on peaceful?

As far as i know, you don't need to create a new save, you can finish the game in peaceful mode as well.
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