How do you breed a sun dragon?

The Sun Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold and Lightning elements at any Breeding Cave. Breeding must start during the day. Daytime occurs between 7 am and 7 pm on the day sky, or at any time on any sky considered to be a day sky.
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What two dragons make a sun dragon in DragonVale?

The sun dragon is an epic dragon in DragonVale. It can be obtained by combining lightning and cold.
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How to breed a solary dragon?

The Solary Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Light, Air, Earth, and Fire elements, at any Breeding Cave.
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What two dragons make a plasma dragon?

The Plasma Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Lightning and Water elements at any Breeding Cave.
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What is a sun dragon?

Sun dragons, also called solar dragons, were relatively benevolent dragons capable of natural spelljamming.
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The FASTEST way to breed Sun Dragon in Dragonvale/ How to breed Sun Dragon in Dragonvale

How to breed a sun dragon?

The Sun Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Cold and Lightning elements at any Breeding Cave. Breeding must start during the day. Daytime occurs between 7 am and 7 pm on the day sky, or at any time on any sky considered to be a day sky.
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How to breed a triple rainbow dragon?

The Triple Rainbow Dragon can be bred using any two dragons, containing at least four different elements in total, at any Breeding Cave.
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What is the rarest breed of dragon?

Dragons Classified as Very Rare
  • Rainbow Dragon.
  • Panlong Dragon.
  • Apocalypse Dragon.
  • Garnet Dragon.
  • Amethyst Dragon.
  • Aquamarine Dragon.
  • Diamond Dragon.
  • Emerald Dragon.
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Which dragon laid dragons egg?

This also creates another direct connection between Rhaenyra and Daenerys: the former's dragon, Syrax, is the mother of the latter's. The dragon eggs given to Rhaena come from Syrax, which is an interesting addition to the lore.
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What dragons have 2 legs?

Distinction from other dragons

The key difference has been that a wyvern has two legs, whereas a dragon has four.
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How do you breed a UV dragon?

Breeding an Ultraviolet with any other dragon (including another Ultraviolet) can result in a Spitfire egg instead of an Ultraviolet egg; they are the only hybrids capable of doing this. Pairings to obtain an Ultraviolet Dragon: Spitfire Dragon x Purple Dragon. Ultraviolet x Any other breed.
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How do you breed a rain dragon?

Breeding. The Rain Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Air and Water elements at any Breeding Cave.
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How to breed bumi dragon?

The Bumi Dragon can be bred by using a Pixie Dragon and a Flowerhop Dragon, in either order, at any Breeding Cave.
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How to get a sun and moon dragon?

You could breed a crystal dragon and a frostbite dragon between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM and get a sun dragon, or between 7:00 PM and 7:00 AM for a moon dragon.
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How to breed a solar eclipse dragon?

The Solar Eclipse Dragon can be bred using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Fire, Earth and Air elements, at any Breeding Cave.
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How do you breed a sunrise dragon in dragon story?

The Sunrise Dragon is obtainable:
  1. By purchase at the market for 380 .
  2. By breeding two dragons that collectively contribute Yellow and White to the type pool.
  3. DISCLAIMER: When attempting to breed the Sunrise Dragon, you may get other offspring instead.
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Is Drogon Dreamfyre egg?

Balerion and Dreamfye or Meraxes eggs produced Drogon and his brothers.
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Is Dreamfyre Drogons mother?

Elissa sold Dreamfyre's three eggs in Braavoos and thanks to the destiny the eggs return to the last two Targaryens in Pentos. Dreamfyre is the real Mother of Drogon, Viserion and Rhaegal. And she seems to be the mother of Seasmoke too. But the eggs were stolen in 54 AC, 76 years before the Mother of Dragons died.
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How old is Dreamfyre?

Summary. Dreamfyre is one of Westeros' oldest dragons, around 100 years old. Dreamfyre was previously ridden by Rhaena Targaryen, before Helaena. Dreamfyre meets a tragic end during the Storming of the Dragonpit.
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What is the hardest dragon to get in DragonVale?

Dream dragon is the hardest dragon to get, even with the coop breeding cave.
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What is the most expensive dragon in DragonVale?

The Diamond Dragon is the most expensive gemstone dragon. The Diamond Dragon cannot breed with any other dragon, including breeding with another Diamond Dragon.
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Is A Rainbow Dragon rare?

Normal words cannot begin to describe the resplendence of this, rarest type of all dragons. The first person to ever witness one stared for hours before running home to send a poet to describe the beast.
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How do you breed a Seraph dragon?

The Seraph Dragon can be bred by using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Light, Air, and Fire elements at any Breeding Cave.
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Can you breed snowflake dragons?

All of the Snowflake Dragons can be bred by using any two Snowflake Dragons at any Breeding Cave.
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How to get apocalypse dragon?

The Apocalypse Dragon can be bred using any two dragons, in either order, containing the Plant, Cold, Lightning, and Metal elements, at any Breeding Cave.
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