How do you catch a Loomian easily?

Applying status ailments to a Loomian makes them easier to capture, with burn, poison, and paralysis providing a 1.5× boost to capture rate and sleep providing a 2× boost to capture rate.
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How rare is it to catch a Duskit?

Warning: Extremely rare!
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What is the rarest Loomian to get?

The two unobtainable species are Moldecca, a massive aquatic Loomian that once circled the dome around Atlanthian City, and an unnamed Loomian that appears during a cutscene at Route 8 and is taken in by Mabel, who nicknames it Starla.
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What is the easiest way to find Duskit?

Make sure you defeat the boss fight first though. So first, go all the way back to gale forest. Then, find the location where you fought corrupt duskit. Try a few times and you might get a duskit.
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What is the strongest type of Loomian?

There is no 'most powerful' Loomian. In order for a Loomian to be so powerful, it would need to serve as a counter (Safely switch in and defeat) any opposing Loomian.
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What is Duskit weak to?

Vesperatu and others of its same kind can clap Duskit easily since Duskit has a 4x weakness against Spirit types.So what if you could spam Final Ruse?
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What loomians to catch?

For general wild encounters, my team often consists of a fainted Duskit, Trumbull, Meditoad, Spreezy, and Cynamoth. These Loomians give me a little bit of everything I feel is most important to have for most encounters.
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How rare is Duskit without boost?

There is a 1/1000 chance of finding one without any gamepasses or boosts, but if you use a boost you have a 1/250 chance of finding it. Is it found anywhere or just in a specific patch, e.g. Pink Grass. No, any tile of grass has the same chance to find it as any other tile of grass.
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Can you find Mutagon in the wild?

Obtaining Method

This also applies when the player runs from the battle. Once the player decides that they are satisfied with the results from the battle, Mutagon will no longer be available as a Set Encounter and will instead roam with an extremely scarce chance to be encountered in the wild. Warning: One only!
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How rare is a shiny Loomian?

Alpha Gleam

This variation of the Gleam gene can be found in any Loomian encountered through the wild, rallied or received as a gift with a 1/4096 base chance. Alpha Gleaming Loomians have sparkle effects around them and have different colors.
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How rare is a corrupt loomian?

In areas that Wild Loomians are encountered, the chances of a Wild Loomian being Corrupt is 1/1024 (0.1%). When encountering a Corrupt Loomian, special music will play. There is no limit to the amount of corrupted Loomians a player can encounter.
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What is the fastest Loomian?

  • Gobbidemic -123.
  • Protogon -121.
  • Zuelong - 119.
  • hunder - 116.
  • avitross -109.
  • duskit - 109.
  • Pharoglyph - 106.
  • metronette -105.
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How rare is Ikazune?

No matter where you are, you can find Ikazune with a 1/1000 (0.1%) chance in a wild encounter instead of what the route usually offers. However, since Duskit is also a Roaming Loomian, it is more of a 0.05% chance because it splits between Duskit and Ikazune, making encountering a specific one more difficult.
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Is Vari a rare Loomian?

Upon attaining Level 9 in Trainer Mastery, the probability of encountering Vari in Roria is 1 in 100, which is extremely rare.
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How to tell if a loomian is SA?

Players with the Ability Charm have an increased chance of acquiring a Loomian with a Secret Ability. Loomians with Secret Abilities can be identified by a purple symbol with the Greek letter sigma (ς) on their summary page, and are also marked with a purple marker on the trading UI.
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Which Loomians are legendary?

  • Twilat.
  • Nevermare.
  • Ikazune.
  • Protogon.
  • Joltooth.
  • Vari.
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How rare is a Rainbow Wisp Loomian?

Rainbow wisp gammas have a 1/50 (2%) chance of getting a rainbow wisp when you find a gamma I believe.
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How rare is Alpha Mutagon?

Finding alpha mutagon with gleaming charm gamepass + boost = 1/128 chance. Finding HA mutagon with ability charm (since there is no loomiboost) = 1/256 chance.
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Can Akhalos evolve?

This Loomian does not evolve.
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How rare are Alpha Loomians?

It boosts the encounter rate for Alpha Gleaming Loomians from 1/4096 (0.02%) to 1/2048 (0.04%) and the encounter rate for Gamma Gleaming Loomians from 1/20480 (0.005%) to 1/10240 (0.01%).
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How rare is Kayute?

Kayute is an Ice/Dark-type Loomian introduced in Loomian Legacy - Veils of Shadow. It was designed by Pwinny and modeled by SodaReishii. Kayute could be found in Jolly Festival during the 2023 Holiday Event at a 1/67 (1.49%) chance.
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What loomians can be rainbow?

Loomians with Rainbow Forms
  • Vari.
  • Florant.
  • Twilat.
  • Shawchi.
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