How do you use the shield in God of War Ragnarok?

Shield Strike Double tap the 'block' button (L1) during these attacks to stagger the enemies with a shield attack and leave them open for a brutal repost. Each shield has a unique Shield Strike move, so be sure to try them all out!
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How do you use the shield ability in God of War?

Double Tap L1 to quickly Shield Check an enemy and break their guard. Parry (Press L1 right before getting hit) and then immediately Press R1 or R2 to do special counterattacks. A shield fit for a balance of defensive options.
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How does Kratos's shield work?

Shield is utilized through the L or L1 button, and in its most basic use, function to Guard against incoming attack from the direction it is facing, averting damage that would otherwise eat at Kratos' health bar, a Guard can only hold so many punishment off before it breaks.
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How to do shield bash in Ragnarok?

Designed for parries, players can double tap L1 to Shield Bash enemies, dealing high Stun damage.
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How to use onslaught shield?

The Onslaught Shield can also be equipped with a Rönd of the player's choice. Double tapping L1 will enact a Shield Rush, charging forward into an enemy while blocking incoming attacks. Using Shield Rush from a greater distance will launch enemies on impact.
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God of War Ragnarok All Shields Tested! Pick The Best One (GOW Ragnarok All Shields)

How do you use the shield strike in God of War?

Shield Strike

Double tap the 'block' button (L1) during these attacks to stagger the enemies with a shield attack and leave them open for a brutal repost.
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What shield should I use in God of War: Ragnarok?

The Stone Wall Shield is likely the best option for newer players until they get used to parry timings. It is also an excellent shield for higher-difficulty playthroughs. Normally, there are four types of attacks that the monsters can use against you.
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How do you block in God of War Ragnarok?

At its most simple, parrying successfully requires you to tap L1 (default) as an enemy attack is about to hit. When done correctly, you'll push off the attack and potentially stagger an enemy. If unsuccessful, you'll either take a hit or block the attack with your shield (depending on the attack type).
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Does your shield break in God of War Ragnarok?

Guard breaks

While you keep your shield up against most normal attacks, there are some that will force you to adjust. Enemy attacks with Yellow Rings around them can be parried, but if you try to block them, they'll break your guard and open you up to potential danger!
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Can all shields parry God of War: Ragnarok?

The Dauntless and Guardian shields are the only two shields that let you do both of these imo essential things, so to me they are the only good ones. The other three shields do let you interrupt blue ring attacks, but they don't let you parry.
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What happened to Kratos shield?

The Guardian Shield is Kratos' basic piece of equipment, and also a family heirloom to him. It is available from the beginning of the game, albeit it is a weak level 1 shield. The shield becomes damaged during the confrontation with Thor - the second boss of the game. This happens in the final phase of the encounter.
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What is the best armor in God of War Ragnarok?

These are the best God of War Ragnarok armor sets, depending on build and priorities: Best overall/late game armor - Berserker Armor. Best early-game armor - Nidavellir Armor. Best mid-game armor - Lunda's Armor.
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How do you get the shield ability?

Shield is an ability that allows Jesse to protect herself against incoming damage by forming a wall – or "shield" – from debris she telekinetically rips off the environment. The ability is obtained by binding the Object of Power by the name "Home Safe", found at Field Training, just off of Central Maintenance.
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Is there a secret ending in God of War Ragnarok?

God of War Ragnarok secret endings and post-credits scenes

While the story 'ending' releases you back into the world to chase endgame stuff and finish up loose ends, there's another secret God of War Ragnarok ending that will roll the final full credits and play the Blood on the Snow God of War Ragnarok ending theme.
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How long does it take to defeat God of War Ragnarok?

Just story: If you power through just the main story, God of War Ragnarok will take 25-30 hours. Standard playthrough: Completing the main story while dabbling in a few extras and more along the way takes about 30-35 hours. 100% completion: Doing everything in the game will take around 55-60 hours+
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Can you block Bifrost God of War Ragnarok?

Most of the moves Skjothendi will employ should be familiar now, but greater care is needed to avoid taking damage from them. At range, she will often send forth a tremor of Bifrost your way, but blocking it with your shield is a safe bet to avoid taking risks.
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What do yellow circles mean in God of War?

It can guard you against damage in a range of situations, but it's not full-proof. Watch for a yellow circle appearing around an enemy attack: this indicates if it can be blocked.
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Do all shields parry God of War Ragnarok?

PSA: All shields except for Stone Wall appear to be able to parry (both yellow ring and normal attacks) despite the descriptions seeming to indicate otherwise. The descriptions are misleading. All shields can parry normal attacks as well as yellow ring (guard break) attacks. Except for the Stone Wall.
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What are the most powerful items in God of War Ragnarok?

Leviathan Axe

This powerful weapon is enchanted with the power of ice, and can be summoned from any distance. In combat, these unique abilities allow you to stun and freeze enemies and throw the axe at opponents and obstacles. It's the slowest and most deliberate weapon in the game, but has the highest damage per hit.
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What is the best weapon to use against Thor in God of War Ragnarok?

The Leviathan Axe and Draupnir Spear are perfect for this encounter, as a charged Spear throw can significantly damage Thor's health, as the Axe will typically bounce off Thor when thrown from a distance.
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