How to get Spiritomb Platinum offline?

To catch Spiritomb you have to speak to 32 people in the Underground (which uses local wireless) and not online. You will need another DS system and another copy of either Diamond, Pearl or Platinum.
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Can you get Spiritomb without Nintendo online?

Step 2: Spread Spiritomb's Voice

Here, the player will need to connect to the internet, which requires Nintendo Switch Online to interact with other players. While they don't need to be on the player's friends list, those attempting to encounter Spiritomb will need to interact with 32 other trainers in this area.
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How do you get Spiritomb in Pokemon Platinum?

Spiritomb Location - How to Get Spiritomb

After acquiring the Odd Keystone item from an NPC on Route 208, place it in the Hallowed Tower, south of the Lost Tower. Speak to 32 people in the Grand Underground and return to the Hallowed Tower and face Spiritomb. Weaken this Pokemon in battle to capture it.
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Why is Spiritomb so hard to get?

In order to make Spiritomb inhabit the Hallowed Tower where the Odd Keystone was placed, players need to talk to 32 trainers in the Grand Underground. The hikers that sell items down there do not count, so players will need to spend the time exploring in order to get the numbers up.
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How do I get Spiritomb to appear?

How to get Spiritomb
  1. Obtain the Odd Keystone. The key -- pardon the pun -- to catching Spiritomb is the Odd Keystone, a mysterious item that slots into the Hallowed Tower on Route 209. ...
  2. Insert the Odd Keystone into the Hallowed Tower. ...
  3. Speak to 32 unique characters in the Grand Underground. ...
  4. Return to the Hallowed Tower.
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Pokemon Platinum how to get Spiritomb

Can you only encounter Spiritomb once?

Spiritomb has what is known as static spawns. This means they will spawn at least once daily, regardless of conditions. There are two static spawn locations for Spiritomb.
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Does Spiritomb only appear at night?

Spiritomb's wisp can be seen from 10m away during daytime, and up to a 100m during night-time.
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Why is Spiritomb a forbidden Pokemon?

In many Eastern belief systems, 108 is the number of temptations people face. That's why it's the Forbidden Pokémon, because the temptations are meant to be forbidden. It's like the 7 Deadly Sins in eastern thought. It's also why it has 108 Def and 108 SpDef, a point to resist each temptation.
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Is Spiritomb immune to Ghost?

However, this is not the case- while it is resistant to Normal-, Flying-, Psychic-, Ghost- and Dragon-type moves, it is still vulnerable to Electric-, Grass- and Water-type attacks.
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Is Spiritomb a rare spawn?

Spiritomb is a rare spawn, so this is certainly recommended!
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How early can you get Spiritomb in Platinum?

Greet 32 people in the Underground. It can be the same person but one of you needs to leave and re-enter to get it to count. Go back the Hallowed Tower and press A. Spiritomb appears at level 25.
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Is Spiritomb a legendary?

Spiritomb is said to have been a wicked being made up of 108 spirits that were chained to the Odd Keystone for its cruel misdeeds 500 years ago. The player can typically only obtain one through a series of specific events, too. However, despite all of this, it's not a Legendary Pokemon.
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What is the best counter for Spiritomb in Platinum?

The best Pokemon Go Spiritomb counters are Mega Gardevoir, Mega Rayquaza, Enamorus, Shadow Rayquaza, Shadow Gardevoir & Shadow Granbull.
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Can you get Spiritomb without getting all the wisps?

Nintendo Switch

I know they show up in Massive Mass Outbreaks, but I don't know if they'll show up regardless of how many Wisps I found. No. You need them all.
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Is Spiritomb only female?

Gender Differences

Spiritomb doesn't have any differences to differentiate between male and female.
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Can Spiritomb spawn in the wild?

Spiritomb Location

Spiritomb can be caught just like any other wild Pokemon in Scarlet/Violet. There are three locations on Mount Glaseado where Spiritomb likes to roam.
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What is Spiritomb's weakness before Fairy?

Until the introduction of the Fairy type, Ghost/Dark Pokemon like Sableye and Spiritomb actually have no weaknesses. (Bug is not among them since Ghost resists Bug.)
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Can Spiritomb mega evolve?

Spiritomb is a dual-type Ghost/Dark Pokémon. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Spiritomb using the Spiritombite.
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Why is Spiritomb bad?

Calm Mind Spiritomb is forced to rely on Rest for recovery, which can be taken advantage of by strong attackers like Stoutland. Spiritomb's low Speed also tends to leave it more reliant on Sucker Punch than it would like to be, which can be capitalized on by setup sweepers such as Omastar.
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What does 108 mean in Spiritomb?

It is said that Spiritomb are composed of 108 spirits, but could as well be the reason for its Pokédex number to be "108" referring to the 108 spirits. As shown in the anime, Spiritomb's composite spirits have the capacity of possessing living beings.
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Why is rotom not a legendary?

It isn't a Legendary (once per file pokemon that are accessible in the base game) because it lacks the base stats, nor is it a “Mythical” (the Pokémon which originally were only encountered via distribution events, like Celebi, Jirachi, Deoxys and Victini) because it was always available in the base game.
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Who owns Spiritomb?

In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky, Spiritomb is a Pokémon from the future serving under Dusknoir and Primal Dialga. Spiritomb first appears when the player and partner were brought into the future by Dusknoir.
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Can you breed Spiritomb?

Yes, you can breed Spiritomb.
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Is Spiritomb weak to Dark?

Its only weakness is Fighting and even then you'd need Foresight or Odor Sleuth for it to hit Spiritomb. Low HP. Dark/Ghost Hybrids have no weaknesses.
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What is the best sandwich for Spiritomb?

Times of day effects which Pokémon spawn and Spiritomb will only appear at night. Making sandwiches in Pokémon Violet and Scarlet can increase the chances of a certain type of Pokémon spawning, which for Spiritomb are a Great Tropical Sandwich or a Classic Bocadillo.
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