Is a 1.5 KD good?

It depends on the game, but generally a KD greater than 1 means you're winning most of your fights, with anything between 1.2-1.6 being really good. This number might be much higher if you play games without skill-based matchmaking.
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Is a 1.7 KD in Warzone good?

As long as you're taking out more players than times you are killed, you are generally considered to be of a high skill level. A Warzone KD of 1.0+, for instance, is above normal, but a Warzone KD of 0.75 or lower is considered to be below normal and leaves room for improvement.
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Is a 1.49 KD good?

Like team Deathmatch a K/D of 1.0 is good, 1.5 is great and 2.0 is excellent.
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Is a 1.1 KD good in Rainbow Six Siege?

The general average is about 1.0 to 1.2, but K/D is often lower when you're in a higher rank since the players are more skilled and tougher to kill. A K/D lower than 0.8 is often seen as too low.
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Is a 2.2 KD good?

A person who has kd less than 2 is a noob player. He has reached high leagues only by surviving and has very less game skills. A person who has kd between 2 and 4 is a good player and has good gaming s…
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Is a 1.5 KD good?

Is a 1.5 kd good in COD?

Understanding a Good KD Ratio

A “good” KD ratio in COD Mobile is typically considered to be around 1.5 to 2.0. This means you're killing 1.5 to 2 times more than you're being killed. Players with a KD ratio above 2.0 are often seen as highly skilled.
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Is a 5.0 KD good?

Anything above a KD of 1 is above average and everything below is that is below average. An example of a good KD is 4.0. That is you have 4 kills for every 1 death. When looking at the normal player base, this KD is usually in the 95th percentile of players.
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Is a 0.7 kd good for R6?

What is a good KD ratio? Any number greater than 1.00. It depends on the game, but generally a KD greater than 1 means you're winning most of your fights, with anything between 1.2-1.6 being really good.
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Is a 1.82 KD good?

1.8-2.0 is pretty good. 2.5 is very good. 3 is beasting. K/D honestly doesn't mean crap.
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Is a .5 KD good in R6?

A 0.8 and below means you are struggling slash bad mechanically. You're not a good player right now. A point nine, a 1.0, a 1.1 means that your average in your Elo.
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Is 1 KD good in Apex?

If you have a KD above 1 you're doing better than the majority of players in Apex. Most players have KD's in the . 80 to 1 range, meaning they get 1 kill for every time they die. If your average damage is above I'd 300 or so you're probably doing better than most.
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What is your KD if you have 0 deaths?

1000 kills and 0.001 deaths would be a ratio of 1,000,000. But back to my original statement, that a kill death ratio with 0 deaths will always equal infinity. [i]To put it rather simply, as long as you have at least 1 kill, as your deaths approach 0, your Kill/death ratio approaches infinity.
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Is a .80 KD good?

Meaning 0.9-1.0 is average. Below 0.9 is bad. 1.0-1.5 is good, 1.5-2.0 is good, 2.0-2.5 is beastly, and above 2.5 you can carry a terrible team single-handedly.
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Is 1.35 KD good in fortnite?

Generally, a K/D ratio above 1.0 means you're killing more than you're dying, which is a good start. However, to be considered good, aim for a K/D ratio between 3.0 to 4.0. That's when you know you're making a mark in the game.
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What does k/d mean in COD?

K/D (Kill/Death Ratio) has been one of the biggest talking points in competitive Call of Duty for a long time.
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Is 0.8 KD good in warzone?

KD isn't everything; camping can inflate your stats. League average KD tends to be around 0.8, indicating the variety of player skill levels. Some prioritize wins over KD, emphasizing different playstyles. Experience and lobby placements affect the significance of KD ratios.
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What does 1.5 KD mean?

Ultimately KD means one thing: Number of kills divided by number of times you die. So 1.5 K/D means on average, you kill 3 people every 2 games. Obviously there will be games where you kill more and some where you die before you kill anyone.
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What is the average KD in COD?

The average KD ratio in Call of Duty Mobile falls somewhere around 1.0 to 1.5. This means that for every death, an average player manages to secure at least one to one and a half kills. Remember, this is an estimate based on the broad player base, including beginners and seasoned veterans alike.
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What's a good KD in MW3?

The ratio will increase or decrease depending on if you average more kills or deaths in matches. Although the average is a 1.0, you always want your K/D to be positive, and therefore anything higher than a 1.0 is considered successful in Call of Duty.
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Is a 4.35 KD good?

A K/D of 1+ is almost functionally objectively good (I would say 0.75–0.9 means you put up a good try). Anything past 2.0 is very good, past 3.0 is EXCEPTIONAL.
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How to work out KD?

How to Find the KD Ratio? KDA = (kills + assists)/ deaths, for your kill-deaths/assists ratio. It means if a player has killed 10 players and 5 deaths in doing that then the KD ratio would be 2. A KD ratio of 1 means you have killed an equal number of the Kills and Deaths.
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Is 6 KD good in PUBG?

But if you wanna aim for streaming and competitive level having a kd of 5–6 or above is a way to go. But most of us just play for fun. So take a chill pal. Even if you're kd less than 2 and enjoying the game.
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Is 1.28 KD good?

It's good. The majority of people lie about their K/D. 1.28 is probally in the top 25%, which is decent.
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Is 12 kills in Fortnite good?

For casual players, 3-4 kills per game is quite respectable. For the pros, hitting double digits is routine! If you can rack up 5-10 kills in a solo match, you're definitely doing something right! I've managed to get 12 kills in a match once and felt like a superhero.
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