Should you let fia hold you in Elden Ring?

Whether you should hug the lady Fia, Deathbed Companion in Elden Ring is up for debate, but you probably should if you're a shield-focused character who's about to go into a boss fight very soon.
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Should FIA hold me in Elden Ring?

If you agree to let Fia hold you, you'll receive the Baldachin's Blessing item, a consumable that temporarily boosts Poise. The trade-off is that Fia gives you a minor HP debuff until you use the item. You can return to her for more Baldachin's Blessings whenever you need.
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What happens if you let fia hug you?

You can accept or refuse the hug; if she does hug you, you'll receive a debuff (which you can learn how to remove here: How to Remove Fia's Hug Debuff). If you speak to Fia a few times, new dialogue becomes available. To progress her individual storyline, you'll need to have started the Ranni the Witch Questline.
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Is FIA's blessing good?

Whether this is worthwhile depends on your playstyle. The hug debuff can have catastrophic effects, but the higher Poise it offers means you can withstand prolonged assaults from enemies without breaking stance. The Blessing isn't essential, though it's worth using if you need an extra edge in battle.
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Should I hug FIA in Deeproot Depths?

Hug Fia at the Prince of Death's Throne

She tells you to kill her - don't! Hug her instead with the option "No, I want to be held" and she'll offer the next stage of the quest - find the Cursemark of Death.
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Elden Ring - DO NOT Hug Fia in the Roundtable Hold (unless you need to for Baldachin's Blessing)

Is fia dead after lich dragon?

So at the end of Fia's questline, she's definitely dead. She goes to sleep next to the putrid body of Godwyn, gives "birth" to the Mending Rune of the Death-Prince, and then stops moving entirely.
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Is Deeproot Depths optional?

The Deeproot Depths is an optional underground area in Elden Ring, that can be reached after fully progressing north through Nokron, Eternal City and the Ancestral Woods. After fighting the Valiant Gargoyle twin boss, players can go through a waterfall that leads to the Deeproot Depths.
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Should you embrace fia?

Should You Hug Fia? In truth, letting Fia embrace you isn't all that bad, it won't kill you and the debuff - though annoying - isn't too terrible. You'll also be able to get new dialogue and story from her after doing it a few times, not to mention the blessing she gives.
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Should I hug the girl in Elden Ring?

Just hug her. You can use the Baldachin's Blessing item she gives you after the embrace to remove the debuff. It's that simple! Plus, there are instances where maybe you do have that poise and damage buff — specific builds might benefit from some of that stability.
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Should you let varre anoint you?

If you choose to be anointed, he'll present you with the Lord of Blood's Favor. Your final trial for him will be to soak the cloth with a Maiden's Blood. If you refuse, you will have the option again to choose anointment, as it is the only way to progress his quest.
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Is it OK to refuse a hug?

If you don't want to be hugged, tell people that, and if they respect your boundaries they will not hug you. As for the people who like to hug, please ask before you hug. Some people don't like to be hugged. Even people who do like to be hugged might not feel like hugging you that day.
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What happens if you don't hug anyone?

When you don't get enough physical touch, you can become stressed, anxious, or depressed. As a response to stress, your body makes a hormone called cortisol. This can cause your heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and breathing rate to go up, with bad effects for your immune and digestive systems.
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What is the hug rule?

The rule goes all the way back to Walt Disney himself. It's called “The Hug Rule”. The Hug Rule…is that characters may never let go of a hug first. The child may hug as long as they want. Why? Walt said “You never know how much that child may need that hug.”
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Where is fia after killing d?

Fia may appear after following the Coffin route to Deeproot Depths. Alternatively, the player can get access to the Deeproot Depths by revealing 2 illusory walls just south of the Frenzied Flame Proscription Site of Grace. The arena is large.
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Should I fly straight and true Elden Ring?

When speaking with Varre, choose the option, “I'll fly straight and true!” to progress Varre's story. This step may or may not be skipped if you've already gone to the Roundtable Hold and spoken with the Finger Reader. In the event you've yet to return to the Roundtable Hold, do so now.
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Can you romance in Elden Ring?

More so than any previous Souls game, Elden Ring offers not just plentiful adventure, but a dazzling array of romance options for your lowly Tarnished self.
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Does FIA take your health?

While Fia takes you into her arms she gives you an item called Baldachin's Blessing. This is the item with which you can remove the health debuff that Fia gave you. Use the item and you will see that your character gets an aura. After around 30 seconds you will notice that your health is back to normal.
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How do I get rid of FIA's blessing?

If you're one of those players who decided to hug Fia, there is no need to worry too much. Getting rid of Baldachin's Blessing's HP debuff is as easy as getting the item itself. To get rid of the debuff, you need to consume the Baldachin's Blessing item to get it out of your inventory, and the debuff will just go away.
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Does FIA give you a different ending?

Elden Ring Fia ending

This is Fia's ending and an alternate version of the Age of Fracture in which you remove the curse of immortality plaguing the Lands Between. To do this, you have to complete Fia's questline to gain the Mending Rune of the Death Prince, which you can use on Fractured Marika.
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Does FIA have an ending?

Also known as the “Age of the Duskborn,” Fia's ending causes a mist to descend onto the Lands Between. Given Fia's association with Godwyn the Prince of Death, players have suspected that this mist represents - and even causes - the end of immortality in the Lands Between.
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What does the coffin in Deeproot Depths do?

After defeating the Gargoyles. head to the very back of the arena against the waterfall and you'll note a coffin you can rest in. By interacting with it, you will initiate a cutscene riding the coffin up the waterfall and you'll emerge in Deeprot Depths next to a Site of Grace.
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Is Deeproot Depths hard?

Elden Ring - Deeproot Depths Is Harder Than Caelid

Of course, as hard as Elden Ring's aboveground areas are, its underground ones are even more difficult. One such location is very difficult to stumble into by accident by way of Dragon-Burnt Ruins.
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What boss is in Deeproot Depths?

When you head in, you'll be greeted by Fia's Champions. This is a special boss fight that has 3 waves of enemies as opposed to one large and tough enemy. Upon defeating them all, you'll receive Fia's Mist and be able to interact with the Prince of Death's Throne Site of Grace.
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