What are the benefits of transcending in Clicker Heroes?

What is Transcendence? Consider transcendence as a super ascension. In a similar way that ascending clears your heroes and gold to grant you a bonus for your next run (hero souls), transcendence will clear your ancients to grant you a larger bonus on your next "set" of ascensions.
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Should you transcend in Clicker Heroes?

Once you've reached to peak of your Transcendent Power it is recommended to Transcend as soon as start consistently encountering 3 or more Monsters per zone.
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What does transcending do?

The Latin verb scandere means "to climb", so transcend has the basic meaning of climbing so high that you cross some boundary. A transcendent experience is one that takes you out of yourself and convinces you of a larger life or existence; in this sense, it means something close to "spiritual".
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What to do before transcending Clicker Heroes?

These heroes have great cost/DPS ratios and thus are advised before Transcending.
  1. Check which of the Power Five can be leveled to 1000. ...
  2. Check which of those heroes have the most gilds.
  3. Level that hero as much as possible, preferably with by pressing Z (x25).
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What are the benefits of clans in Clicker Heroes?

A clan is used to generate additional Hero Souls for all players within. In addition, it allows members to communicate with other users within the clan through the clan message board. Clans generate additional Hero Souls by the addition of daily raids, in which a clan must deal large amounts of damage to an Immortal.
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How to Transcend | Clicker Heroes #2

Who should I guild in Clicker Heroes?

Generally speaking, you want your Gilds on the heroes that you use most. At first, you should not re-Gild your heroes at all. Once you have reached level 200, the ideal Heroes to have gilded are Treebeast, Ivan, Brittany, Samurai, and Forest Seer.
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What is the highest clan perks?

The "Donated troop upgrade" perk is considered the most powerful perk, since upgrading clans to levels that unlock or upgrade this perk require more additional Clan XP.
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What is the difference between ascend and transcend?

Often, however, the dividing lines are not this well defined: these terms are purely seen from the modosophont perspective, so that an entity that 'ascends' sometimes presents itself to modosophont observers as an expanded version of the original entity, whereas a 'transcended' entity rarely or never does so.
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What is the best ancient to get in Clicker Heroes?

For beginners, it is best to get Siyalatas, Juggernaut or Libertas. Siyalatas increases your DPS by 25%, a good boost for beginners. Juggernaut is a must have if you use an auto clicker especially.
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What are the benefits of transcending?

Emotionally. In regard to our emotional health, part of the way that transcendent experiences can lead to positive affect is because they can induce a sense of awe, peace, and contentment. Being able to experience such feelings can lead to decreased feelings of depression and anxiety.
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What do you lose when you transcend clicker heroes?

You will lose all ancients and sacrifice hero souls. Achievements are kept, but achievements both before and after transcending no longer offer DPS bonuses. Relics are lost.
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What is the purpose of transcend?

transcend implies a rising or extending notably above or beyond ordinary limits. excel implies preeminence in achievement or quality and may suggest superiority to all others. outdo applies to a bettering or exceeding what has been done before.
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What's the difference between ascending and transcending in Clicker Heroes?

Ascension is the first prestige layer that rewards you with Heros Souls and boosts your DPS. Transcension, on the other hand, is a second-tier reset that grants you Ancient Souls and Transcendent Power, accelerating your progress further.
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Is idle or active better in Clicker Heroes?

Active utilizes more ancients than idle and has a faster kill-speed (hence zone per hour rate) meaning it is the best build to use once you have met the criteria for it. Skills are all effective in this build. Idle – This build is recommended for players without Auto Clickers who don't have time to click frequently.
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When should you ascend for the first time in Clicker Heroes?

You should ascend once you fail a boss, after having gilded into the proper hero, used skills efficiently, and leveled ancients according to a calculator which is up to date.
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Why is transcend important?

In one's personal life transcendence might be thought of as a helpful source of safety, power, or joy that goes beyond the merely finite resources of this world.
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How do you use transcends?

How to Use transcend in a Sentence
  1. She was able to transcend her own suffering and help others.
  2. Her concerns transcended local issues.
  3. The gesture seemed to transcend even the prime-time stage. ...
  4. That transcends all the quick twitch, the X-factor stuff, all that stuff.
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What does it feel like to transcend?

“Awe is the emotion of self-transcendence. As difficult as it is to define transcendent experiences, a common characteristic is positive emotions. People report feeling serenity, bliss, happiness, joy, calm, peace, pleasure (Rosenthal, 2011), as well as admiration and inspiration.
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How rare is Kappa Clicker Heroes?

Miscellaneous. Secret "Kappa" Boss: When reaching a boss level, there is a very small chance that instead of spawning the normal boss for that level, it will spawn the "Kappa" boss instead.
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Do auto clickers count as idle in Clicker Heroes?

An Auto Clicker assigned to attack will remove idle bonuses, just like ordinary clicking.
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What is the max level in clicker hero?

up to 10,000 levels. Pressing T will toggle between the levels. Leveling up a hero increases the amount of DPS it does. Leveling up a hero will also increase the cost of the next level up by almost 7% (the exact increase is 6.975%).
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What happens if you get 4000 points in clan games?

For each Clan Game, each clan member is limited to earning a certain number of points for the Clan. When they have reached the maximum number of points allowed (usually 4000), they cannot take on any more challenges.
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How to gain clan XP?

Clan XP is gained by successfully competing in Clan Wars and Clan Games. Every new Clan will begin at experience (XP) Level 1. XP is unlocked as follows: Defeat an enemy War Base to earn Clan XP.
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