What are the dark facts about gengars?

Gengar – Generation I In the Pokédex entry for Pokémon Moon it says, "It apparently wishes for a traveling companion. Since it was once human itself, it tries to create one by taking the lives of other humans."
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Was Gengar ever a dark type?

Gengar is a Psychic or Dark Type in the Pokemon TCG. The most recent appearance of Gengar is in the Fusion Strike Expansion. This Pokémon can escape into shadows and absorbs warmth from its surrounding.
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Is Gengar good or evil?

While Gengar in its normal condition can be a bit of a prankster, it is by no means evil.
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Why is Gengar always smiling?

There is something sinister hiding behind his smile. As it turns out, it's literally a portal to the afterlife. In Pokémon Sword and Shield, Gengar can enter Gigantamax mode where he becomes not only large, but his form changes, too.
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Who is Gengar a ghost of?

The theory is that gengar is the ghost of a clefable, rather than its shadow.
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10 Facts About Gengar That You Probably Didn't Know! (10 Facts) | Pokemon Facts

Was Gengar once a human?

Yep, Gengar used to be a human. Gengar's no doubt a familiar face to long-time Pokéfans, with the ghost-type 'mon's huge, monstrous visage being one of the first you see in the title screen in Red and Blue, but what you might not realise is that Gengar actually used to be a human being.
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Is Gengar creepy?

Gengar Is The Original Ghost-Type Pokémon Terror

It likes to hide in shadows and mimic victims to make them paranoid and frightened, and it enjoys their fear.
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Is Gengar cursed?

Gengar is the main antagonist of the video games Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Blue Rescue Team, and their Nintendo Switch remake Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX. He is a human cursed by Ninetales into becoming a Gengar.
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What can hurt Gengar?

Gengar is weak against: Dark, ground, ghost and psychic-type.
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Does Gengar have teeth?

Design. Standing 4 ft 11 in (150 cm) tall, Gengar has a round purple body, short arms and legs, two red eyes, and a perpetual toothy grin.
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Can Gengar go invisible?

Gengar also has the ability to become invisible and to disappear and reappear. Like all of his species, Gengar is also able to decrease the temperature of its surroundings, as seen in Best Friend... Worst Nightmare!; and hide in the shadows, as seen in A Chilling Curse!.
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What is Gengar's secret ability?

Hiding in people's shadows at night, it absorbs their heat. The chill it causes makes the victims shake. To steal the life of its target, it slips into the prey's shadow and silently waits for an opportunity. It can pass through other dimensions and appear anywhere.
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Is Gengar a ghost or poison?

Gengar (Japanese: ゲンガー Gangar) is a dual-type Ghost/Water Pokémon. It evolves from Haunter when leveled up in Fog. It is the final form of Gastly. In Kanto, Gengar has a dual-typed Ghost/Poison regional form.
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What turns into Gengar?

Gastly evolves into Haunter at Level 25, who then evolves into Gengar via trade.
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How tall is Gengar?

Gengar has an average height of 4'11” (149.9 cm) and weight of 89.3 lb (40.5 kg). Gengar is a Ghost and Poison type Pokémon and is listed as #094 in the National Pokédex.
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What Pokémon kills Gengar?

The best Pokemon Go Gengar counters are Shadow Mewtwo, Primal Groudon, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Gengar, Mega Alakazam & Mewtwo. Login to see your custom results!
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Does Gengar eat dreams?

Gengar drains the life force from its victims. It may also eat its victim's dreams. Like its pre-evolution, Haunter, it may lick its prey to drain the life force.
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Is Gengar dark?

Gengar is a dark purple, bipedal Pokémon with a roundish body.
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Was Gengar a human?

First appearance: Red & Green. One of the most popular creatures in the series, Gengar, was also once a human.
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What Pokémon has the darkest backstory?

Though it may not look it, Yamask has one of the saddest backstories of any Pokémon. According to its Pokédex, Yamask arose from the spirits of people interred in graves. It holds a golden mask that used to be its face, and it has been known to cry in longing when looking at it.
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Is Gengar a villain?

Gengar, also known as the Shadow Pokémon, is a dual Ghost/Poison-type Pokémon introduced in the first generation. It is the final evolution of the Gastly line, evolving from Haunter when traded. While Gengar is not a sinister Pokémon by nature, there were many instances where Gengar served as villains.
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Does Gengar have a tongue?

Gengar can lick victims with its tongue and paralyze them!
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Is Gengar a dead Clefable?

Furthermore, while Clefable is no longer a Normal-type, Gengar is still a Ghost-type. Even if Gengar cannot be an evil shadow, it could still potentially be the spirit of a dead Clefable. As things stand, there is no concrete evidence to confirm or deny that Clefable and Gengar have any relationship with each other.
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