What are the zombies in The Callisto Protocol?

The Biophages are a species of sentient zombies and the main antagonists of The Callisto Protocol. They are humans mutated from the Biophage Pathogen.
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What is the virus in Callisto Protocol?

The biophage virus threatens to spread beyond the walls of Black Iron Prison.
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What are the robot enemies in Callisto Protocol?

Security Bots are robots that appear in Black Iron Prison, acting as enemies for Jacob Lee. These machines patrol the corridors of the prison complex to detain any escapees that try to flee. During the outbreak, the robots were ordered to kill any human target on sight whether they were inmates or not.
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What is the hardest enemy in Callisto Protocol?

The Two Head is one of the strongest enemies in the game and has very few weaknesses but by shooting at the hands will cause his hands to be destroyed and deal massive damage.
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What is the most powerful gun in Callisto protocol?

  • 8 Shiv.
  • 7 Stun Baton.
  • 6 UJC Special Ops Tactical Pistol.
  • 5 GRP.
  • 4 BI-55 Pistol Hand Cannon.
  • 3 UJC Special Ops Assault Rifle.
  • 2 Skunkworks Shotgun "Skunk Gun"
  • 1 TK4 Riot Shotgun "Riot Gun"
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Is The Callisto Protocol Good Now? - The Callisto Protocol Review In 2024

How many endings does Callisto Protocol have?

Just one ending. "A happier ending?
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Can you actually help the trapped worker in Callisto protocol?

Unfortunately for the worker, this is a scripted event and there is no way to save him.
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Can you defeat the robots in callisto protocol?

Apart from keeping distance from Security Robots, players must be incredibly precise with their weapons to continue shooting at their only weakness, the red eye. Once a Security Robot has been defeated, players can salvage it for loot, which can then be sold to acquire Callisto Credits from the Reforge Station.
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What are the zombies called in The Callisto Protocol?

The name "Biophage" is possibly derived from bacteriophage (a type of virus), it alternatively derives from bio- (meaning "life") and -phage (meaning "a thing that devours"), which means they are called "life devourers/devourers of life." They are conceptually analagous to the Necromorphs of Dead Space series.
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Will there be a Callisto Protocol 2?

The developer revealed through its social media channels its upcoming game: Project Birdseye, which won't be the sequel to The Callisto Protocol 2 that some fans were expecting, but rather a completely new adventure, very different from the original title, although set in the same universe as the saga.
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Who is patient zero in Callisto protocol?

Caitlyn Mahler. Black Iron Warden Duncan Cole used the remains to replicate the conditions of the original outbreak in an attempt to recreate Subject Zero as Subject Alpha by releasing the pathogen in the prison. This would also be known as the Callisto protocol.
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Is Percy in Callisto protocol?

Percy is the main protagonist in The Callisto Protocol: Helix Station.
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What are the long neck enemies in Callisto protocol?

Blood Worms are long-necked creatures that gnaw at their enemies. They have a large gaping mouth its uses to rip off limbs and three long tongues it uses to grab prey.
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What is the secret society in Callisto protocol?

The Commonality is a secret society formed by the United Nations in New York City centuries prior the game's events. They later departed from the UN before moving their headquarters to the moons of Jupiter.
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Is Jacob dead Callisto protocol?

Jacob actually was left half-dead during the last stand after final boss fight in the main game. And it was Mahler who dragged his limbless body and poked around his mind to scoop out the memories like shipping the virus to Europa, fighting the zombies, etc into a USB drive and uploaded it for the world to see?
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How many boss fights in Callisto Protocol?

How The Callisto Protocol Ends Up With Just One Boss Fight. Technically speaking, The Callisto Protocol has three boss fights, and while that is already a rather disappointing number compared to franchises like Dead Space and Resident Evil, the main issue is that two of those encounters can be safely disregarded.
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What is the best weapon in Callisto protocol final boss?

The Riot Gun and The Assault Rifle are the most powerful weapons you have.
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Can you miss guns in Callisto protocol?

You can track down these additional guns in a number of locations, so they're not completely lost if you miss them the first time around, but as the combat is a brutal affair it's better to get them as soon as possible for your own protection.
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How many secret rooms are in callisto protocol?

Two Secret Rooms in The Callisto Protocol contain the truth about the Black Iron Prison outbreak and Callisto's nature.
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Can you save Elias callisto protocol?

Throughout the eight chapters of The Callisto Protocol, you will come across such characters who will be asking you for help. In most cases, you will not be able to save them as the progression here is scripted.
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Is there any DLC for Callisto protocol?

Aside from the additional story content, the game adds a new weapon and enemy type. The Biobot enemies are a neat idea, combining the big robot guards with the mutated Biophages, which is important to the narrative of the DLC.
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How long does it take to 100% Callisto protocol?

Read More. How long is The Callisto Protocol? When focusing on the main objectives, The Callisto Protocol is about 10 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 15½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.
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What is the hardest trophy in Callisto protocol?

The Protocol Is About Life is one of the hardest achievements found in The Callisto Protocol. This achievement requires you to play on the hardest difficulty available in the game - Maximum Security.
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