What can you get banned for saying on Roblox?

To keep Roblox safe and civil for everyone, we do not allow swearing in any language text, images, or uploaded audio, including:
  • Using misspellings, special characters, or other methods to evade detection of profanity.
  • Quoting or using audio containing profane lyrics.
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Why did I get banned on Roblox for saying?

Some of the most common causes for being banned on Roblox are: Cheating or exploiting the game. Harassing or bullying other players. Using offensive words or actions.
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What are you not allowed to say on Roblox?

However, we do not allow users to use Strong Language to discriminate, insult, harass, or intimidate others, including: Slurs or hate speech. Strong Language used in a sexual context.
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What words can get me banned on Roblox?

All you really need to know is that any type of Profanity or Swearing is bad, there are a few exceptions to this rule however, Like for Example: Badass. Damn. Hell.
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Can you get banned on Roblox for saying hi?

If they try to ban you for something stupid, reupload it. I remember one time I got banned for saying “hi” to my friend. Literally all that was in the message; they said it was for harassment. Another time I got a warning for saying “this game is boring”.
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How to Enter a BANNED HOUSE in Roblox!

Is it OK to curse in Roblox voice chat?

Players, for example, can now yell out expletives in both text and voice chat should they encounter something scary during gameplay. Any language that can be used to harass, discriminate, incite violence, threaten others, or that is sexual in nature is still not allowed in Roblox chat, the developers reiterated.
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Is it okay to swear in Roblox voice chat?

While we are providing an option to relax our text filters for 17+ experiences and removing consequences for using strong language in text and voice chat in those experiences, you must still comply with our Community Standards and Roblox's 17+ Policy Standards.
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What if you get banned 3 times on Roblox?

So I can assure you now there isn't a designated amount of bans before you get a perma ban. However, I know that if it is a repeated offence more than 3 times it will most likely result in a perma ban.
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What does ABC mean in gaming?

The letters “ABC” don't stand for anything, rather it's just a phrase to let other players know they're up for a job or task. It's usually used in roleplay games. example: Player 1: “abc for a sister” Player 2: abc.
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What does Roblox 17+ allow?

17+ Content is only suitable for ages 17 and up. May contain strong violence, heavy realistic blood, moderate crude humor, romantic themes, unplayable gambling content, the presence of alcohol, and/or strong language.
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How do you get 17+ on Roblox?

How to verify your Age ID
  1. Login to your account.
  2. Go to Settings (the gear icon located at the upper-right corner of the site)
  3. Select the Account Info tab.
  4. Underneath your birthday, click the button that says Verify My Age.
  5. A popup will appear and on your desktop computer, you will see a QR code.
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Can you get banned for saying frick in Roblox?

The f-word can be posted as "F**C". If you're 13 or up (with ID verified), there is a feature called "Voice Chat". Voice Chat allows you to say anything without filter. However, you can get banned for using it for swearing.
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What is a warning on Roblox?

A warning. A warning is a type of account suspension where the account is disabled, but can be reactivated immediately by agreeing to Roblox's terms of service. Warnings are issued for minor offenses, or when a user's content is banned for a minor violation of the rules, like being inappropriate, but minor.
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How many warnings can you get on Roblox?

You get around 5–15 warnings. If you get 16, a ban might occur. You can actually get infinite warnings without bans and terminations! This is very rare.
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What does ### mean in Roblox?

If a word is mentioned on the filter, it turns into tags (######). This is done to make sure that kids who are playing don't see potentially inappropriate words. When someone says “tags”, they're pretty much asking the person who said something to reword it so it can bypass the filter.
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What does GG mean to a girl?

The GG Slang is usually used in a text, and sometimes it is sexually explicit slang for "Game and Giving." It means that the partner was great in bed. For example, if someone says GG after their partner has fallen asleep and their partner wakes up and says "GG?" then all of those things can be taken as sexual innuendo.
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What is the longest ban in Roblox?

The longest ban you can get is an indefinite one, aka termination. Minor cases like an inappropriate comment might get you a 1–3 day ban, whereas hate speech and exploiting gives you a 14 day to 7 day ban.
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Can you get banned for copying clothes on Roblox?

Yes you can. Any form of clothing, that of course, bypasses the Roblox ToS can lead you to be held accountable for your actions. Generally, you won't get banned permanently unless you were a repeat offender or performed the action frequently, but generally, you can get from a warning, to 1–2 week ban based off this.
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How many bans does Roblox give?

You can get banned 3 times before you get a perma bann. 1 day ban – 24 hours from the time the moderation was initiated. 3 day ban – 72 hours from the time the moderation was initiated. 7 day ban – 1 week from the time the moderation was initiated.
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Why did Roblox add 17?

Now, creators will be able to offer experiences for those 17 and older that feature more mature themes and storylines like in TV shows or stand-up comedy. These experiences may contain more violence, blood, or crude humor. You can read more about what's permitted here.
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Is Roblox voice chat 18?

Chat with voice is currently available to all 13+ phone number verified users in these countries: US, CA, UK, AU, NZ, ES, MX, CL, CR, PR. Users not in these countries should use ID verification to enable chat with voice.
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Why is Roblox adding swearing?

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to fully engage 17+ experiences without allowing 17+ users to express themselves using profanity; as profanity can be an important part of communication, especially with the age groups these experiences target.
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What are Roblox rules?

Roblox doesn't allow content that contains extreme violence or serious physical or psychological abuse. This includes animal abuse and torture, realistic depictions of extreme gore, or the depiction, support, or glorification of war crimes or human rights violations, including torture.
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Can a 11 year old use Roblox voice chat?

Roblox requires players to prove they are over the age of 13 to access the voice chat feature, says Knox. "However, players have complained that some younger children have been able to get around the requirement," explains Knox.
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