What do I do if I die in Skyrim?

When you die in Skyrim, you are reloaded to your last save or auto-save. It is not a permanent death, and there aren't any repercussions, unless you have a mod which is scripted to do something special, like Death Alternative - Your Money or Your Life.
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Do you lose everything if you die in Skyrim?

You do lose all of your items on death, so you've got to really keep an eye on your thirst and hunger when you're out traveling. I'd recommend not traveling in the middle of the day, when the sun is at its highest, because then your thirst will drop really quickly.
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What are the consequences of dying in Skyrim?

When you die, you have to reload a saved game, because you are dead. O lose any progress your skills had made to the next level. For example you have a skill at 20.5, it will be kicked down to 20. Naturally this will pull your 'experience to next level' bar down a bit too.
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Is there a penalty for dying in Skyrim?

Character death always incurs a penalty, but players have some control over what that penalty is. When characters die, their armor automatically takes a bit of damage that a merchant will have to repair eventually, but they also have the option of either releasing to a wayshrine or reviving in place.
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What happens if a character dies in Skyrim?

This is the basic principle behind the "Dead Means Dead" challenge in Skyrim. You can play with your character as normal, but with one important rule: if your character dies, then they're gone for good. No restarting, no second chances.
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What happens when you die in Skyrim?

How do you revive a dead character in Skyrim?

Those playing Skyrim on PC can permanently resurrect NPCs using Console Commands. To do this, players should press the tilde key, often found below the Esc button on the keyboard, and click on the NPC they wish to revive; then, they should type "resurrect" and press the Enter key.
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Who can't be killed in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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Can your spouse be killed in Skyrim?

You can kill your spouse on console, or spare them on PC and input the commands someone already gave. Can you get remarried in Skyrim? No, marriage in skyrim is forever.
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What are the downsides of going to jail in Skyrim?

You lose all progress on the current level in all your skills (which aside from the armor skills on high levels, aren't much of a big deal) and are teleported to the local jail. Is it possible to get out of jail without paying a fine in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (video game)?
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Can you raise the dead in Skyrim?

It's the Dead Thrall spell, which is a master level Conjuration spell. It allows you to permanently reanimate a corpse, and it also doesn't destroy the body when they are killed, like the lower level reanimate spells. Until you spread your wings, you'll never know how far you can walk.
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How many endings does Skyrim have?

Skyrim doesn't exactly end, in the traditinal sense. There is no one last hurrah, and then a credits roll. Some quest arcs have varied endings, such as the Civil War, but the Free the World from Alduin main quest arc only has a single outcome.
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Why am I being executed in Skyrim?

Because several Stormcloak soldiers and Ulfric himself were also crossing the border, they captured all of you, including a horse thief who also just happened to be there. They decide to execute you 'cause the captain is a terrible human being.
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Who gets executed at the start of Skyrim?

Roggvir was one of the prisoners executed in Helgen at the start of the game. He was executed for allowing Ulfric Stormcloak to escape Solitude after Ulfric executed the High King. His family can be found in Solitude, including his brother Addvar, his nieces Vivienne Onis and Svari, and his wife Greta.
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How many times can you die in Skyrim?

There are no respawns in this game, if you die you're dead for good, unless you load up a previous save....
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Do you lose gold when you die Skyrim?

You may wish to configure the amount of gold players lose each time they die. By default, this setting is disabled meaning players lose nothing when they die.
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Can my house be robbed in Skyrim?

No. You can deposit anything you want within your house and it will be safe, save for any sort of glitch or bug.
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Can your spouse get kidnapped in Skyrim?

You will discover that your spouse has been kidnapped by Rochelle the Red, and she is demanding 5,000 gold for your spouse's safe release. Travel to Rochelle's hideout, as indicated by the note, and make your choice to deal with the situation through violence or by paying the ransom.
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Should I not steal in Skyrim?

Basically nothing happens if you steal something and don't get caught. Occasionally someone might send hired thugs your way to kill you for stealing, but as far as I can tell that's completely random. As long as you're not caught your relationship with the person won't be effected.
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Can you have 2 wives in Skyrim?

Can you get remarried in Skyrim? No, marriage in skyrim is forever.
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Who is the unkillable wife in Skyrim?

In Skyrim, who makes the best spouse for the Dragonborn, and why? There are several good answers for this. Mjoll the Lioness: is Essential (literally unkillable), is a strong follower who can make good use of player-crafted gear, and has a great deal of dialogue to pipe up with even compared to the hirelings.
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Can you get your spouse pregnant in Skyrim?

In the base game you can build a family through adoptions, but cannot give birth or impregnate your spouse. This mod attempts to resolve that discrepancy by adding a fertility cycle to tracked women. They can be inseminated, get pregnant, and give birth to a Hearthfire-compatible child. Hearthfire DLC is required.
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Who is unkillable in Skyrim?

Essential followers in Skyrim cannot be killed, making them valuable companions in tough battles. Characters like Aela the Huntress, Barbas the talking dog, and Cicero offer unique skills and immortality, making them powerful assets to any player's journey.
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What is the hardest enemy to be in Skyrim?

The Wispmother, Falmer Warmonger, and Hagraven are some of the most challenging enemies in Skyrim due to their unique abilities and powerful attacks. Giants and Sabre Cats are formidable opponents that can deal massive damage to players, but they have specific weaknesses that can be exploited.
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Can you be evil in Skyrim?

Yes and no. Skyrim, while a good game, is the latest in a line of rpgs which have slowly taken out mechanics that would somewhat allow hood vs evil. You can murder a town and/or rob people blind, but there are very few ways to actually get more than a slap on the wrist for crimes.
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What to do if Lydia dies?

The only real option (at least for console players) is to load a previous save to get Lydia back. Once again, however, PC players can use console commands to revive Lydia if she has died. They just need to type the "resurrect" code, "000A2C94.
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