What happens if you leave the forest Hunter Covenant?

If you join another covenant thus abandoning the forest covenant, you can rejoin later. However, if you attack a forest covenant NPC while a member or kill another forest covenant member in an invasion, you will be forever shunned until NG+ or you pay for absolution.
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What happens when you abandon a covenant?

It is possible to leave or abandon a covenant by joining another covenant. However, abandoning a covenant in this manner will count as a sin, which will make the player the target of Dark Moon invasions unless they absolve their sins via Oswald of Carim, for a fee equal to their level times 500.
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What happens if you betray the forest covenant?

Attacking Alvina or any of the Forest Hunter NPCs will have you kicked out of the Forest Hunter covenant. If you talk to Alvina after angering the covenant, she will warp away and you'll receive 1 point of Sin that'll be logged in the Book of the Guilty.
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Does abandoning a covenant count as betrayal?

Abandoning is not the same thing as betraying. You can freely abandon any covenant and then immediately rejoin without any hardship, even if the act acrues sin. Betraying involves a variety of acts such as attacking a member of the covenant.
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Can I rejoin forest hunters?

The forest NPCs will be hostile when you return to the woods, and you can rejoin the Forest Hunter covenant by speaking to Alvina, at which point Shiva will return and be completely friendly (only he won't have a bodyguard).
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Dark Souls Dissected #2 - Covenant Betrayals & Absolution

Can I leave the forest Hunter Covenant?

You don't "break" the Covenant, you just leave it. Where did people get the idea that you have to pay when leaving and rejoining Covenants??? Just go to Quelaags sister and talk to her to join, do what you need to do, then go back to Alvina and you will be able to join again.
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What level is best for forest hunters?

The Best SL for forest hunter build is arround 60, and with a weapon level +15 you still can match with people weapon level +9, which is pretty OP lol, so a chaos +5 has pretty good damage against them with low stats requirements.
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Does leaving a covenant reset your rank?


Back in the original, if you left a covenant, you'd lose a rank from where you were. LIke, you'd go from rank 2 to rank 1, and have to give 20 more humanities to return. Is it the same way now, if you use a bonfire to change covenant? Yes you do.
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How do I rejoin a covenant?

You won't be able to join a covenant if you kill or otherwise chase off the NPC that lets you in, but otherwise yes, you can quit a covenant and rejoin it later. You can even rejoin a covenant when you betray their tenants by absolving your sins with Oswald afterwards AS LONG AS YOU DON'T KILL THE NPC.
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How long does it take to rejoin a covenant?

In this case, you will need to complete two consecutive weekly quests before you will be allowed to rejoin. This is why we say it's so much easier just to get your highest character to Renown 80 before you do this.
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Who is the cat in ds1?

Alvina is a giant cat perched in a window to the right. Don't attack her. Alternatively, purchase the Crest of Artorias from the blacksmith Andrea in the Undead Parish for 20,000 souls.
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What is the best covenant in Dark Souls?

Now let's dive in and see the Top 5 Covenants In Dark Souls Remastered.
  • 5th Place: Warrior Of Sunlight. In order to join the Warrior Of Sunlight Covenant, you will need a minimum stat requirement of 20 Faith. ...
  • 4th Place: Path Of The Dragon. ...
  • 3rd Place: Blade Of The Darkmoon. ...
  • 2nd Place: Forest Hunter. ...
  • 1st Place: Darkwraith.
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Do you lose covenant progress?

When you leave a covenant, you lose all Covenant specific benefits of the Covenant you are leaving. Anything you have unlocked on the previous Covenant will not convert to the new one. This includes Renown, covenant abilities, appearances, soulbinds, mounts, titles, and sanctum upgrades.
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How do I leave my covenant?

You will only leave your previous Covenant when you turn in Rebuild Our Trust. When you start proving your worth to a Covenant, you cannot switch for a different Covenant again until you complete Prove Your Worth and Rebuild Our Trust for your last chosen covenant.
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Is The covenant binding forever?

A covenant with God is forever. Living the way God has asked us to live isn't always easy, but I testify that it is possible. We can gain confidence and power from living our covenants, and we can be sure that Heavenly Father will never leave us alone.
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Are covenants permanent?

Some covenants naturally “run with the land” and remain in effect indefinitely, even when a home changes owners. It's only possible to terminate permanent covenants when property owners reach an agreement or after a favorable HOA board meeting vote.
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How many covenants can you join?

You can only join one Covenant at a time - joining another will overwrite the current Covenant you are a member of. Once you are a member of a particular Covenant you must obey the rules of that group, otherwise you will lose standing within that order.
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Does your covenant levels carry over?

A given character can only get a given covenant reward once. Covenants and their progress carry over. You cannot get covenant rewards twice.
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What is a covenant reset?

What does Covenant reset mean? An amendment of the covenant, usually to loosen its terms during a restructuring.
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What is the easiest covenant to rank up?

Some covenants are easy to level up in while some require some clever thinking and hard work.
  1. 1 Way Of The Blue.
  2. 2 Heirs Of The Sun. ...
  3. 3 The Bell Keepers. ...
  4. 4 The Blue Sentinels. ...
  5. 5 The Dragon Remnants. ...
  6. 6 Brotherhood Of Blood. ...
  7. 7 Pilgrims Of The Dark. ...
  8. 8 Company Of Champions. ...
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Do Covenant ranks carry over to NG+?

The biggest thing to note is the fact that covenants are permanent though playthroughs. This means players will be able to carry their rank status and covenant rewards to NG+.
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How many covenants are in ds1?

There are nine covenants total and each has their own goals as well as lore and access to many features and pieces of equipment. But covenants are about much more than jolly co-operation. For invasions by those seeking to take for their own gain are all too common.
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Where do I join Forest Hunter covenant?

The forest covenant is located inside the Darkroot Garden. There are two ways to reach the covenant. There is a back entrance, that you can find by following the shore harboring the Hydra (Near the giants, and the Havel tower).
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What is the level of the forest?

The emergent layer, canopy, understory, and forest floor are the four layers that makeup rainforests.
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What does the forest hunter covenant do?

Overview. This covenant is focused for players who want group PvP. Joining the covenant allows players to invade others in the Forest area of Darkroot Garden by using the Cat Covenant Ring. Two Forest Hunter members may invade at the same time and team up to battle the world's host and their summoned phantoms.
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