What quest is Barbas dog in Skyrim?

Barbas is a dog who works with Clavicus Vile, the daedric prince. Barbas follows you on the quest A Daedra's Best Friend, which sends you in search of the Rueful Axe.
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How to trigger Barbas Quest in Skyrim?

Travel to Falkreath and find Lod, he will tell you about an annoying dog and that you should take care of it. You can find the dog near The Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary. To your utter surprise, the dog speaks to you! It tells you its name is Barbas and that he needs your help.
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Where can I find Barbas the dog in Skyrim?

Barbas is Clavicus Vile's companion, a unique dog, in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that is found along the road outside Falkreath.
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What is the dog side quest in Skyrim?

Answers. Get the quest from Lod in Falkreath. He'll give you fresh meat to take to it. Make sure quest is turned on then walk to the marker and Barbas the dog should come to you and start talking beginning Clavicus Viles quest.
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How to get Barbas to follow you?

He will pretty much always push you around and get in your way though. It gets really quite infuriating. He'll follow you around as long as you complete the quest. He will follow you once you reach the deadric shrine and you are given the quest to retrieve the axe.
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Why You Should SAVE Barbas In The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - A Daedra's Best Friend

Is it worth killing Barbas?

While the player has a choice of whether or not to kill Barbas in the quest, it is obvious that sparing him is the better option. With Barbas and Vile reunited, Vile will be more reasonable and less destructive in the use of his powers, which will ultimately benefit Tamriel overall.
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Will Barbas follow me forever?

Barbas isn't a permanent follower without mods. If you tell him to stop following you he'll travel to Haemar's Shame and wait for you there. You can then meet up with him and continue his quest.
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What is the mission with the dog in Skyrim?

Barbas is a dog who works with Clavicus Vile, the daedric prince. Barbas follows you on the quest A Daedra's Best Friend, which sends you in search of the Rueful Axe.
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Where does Barbas go if I dismiss him?

If you tell him "Stop following me!" he returns to the shrine of Clavicus Vile where you can pick him up again. You can have a Follower, an Animal Companion, AND Barbas... And you can still have one or two summoned minions from conjuration on top of that.
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Can you keep barba as a pet?

As long as you are not trying to get the Daedric artifact achievement currently, then yes, you can keep the dog. Or you can find Meeko at Meeko's Shack instead .
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Can you sneak with Barbas?

Barbas is not an actual, proper, follower. So, no. You cannot sneak with him around. However, just because he can see you, does not mean the enemies can.
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What do you get for killing Barbas?

Kill Barbas and keep the Rueful Axe, or hand the axe to Clavicus Vile and receive his true daedric artifact, namely the Masque of Clavicus Vile. Note that both items are unique, but only the Masque of Clavicus Vile counts towards the Oblivion Walker achievement, so it is recommended to keep Barbas alive.
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Where can I find Barbas the dog?

Barbas is a large gray hunting dog found along the road outside Falkreath. He is Clavicus Vile's companion, a supernatural creature that usually takes the form of a dog. Barbas cannot be harmed during the course of gameplay, except by the Rueful Axe.
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What happens if Barbas dies?

If Barbas is killed, Clavicus Vile will mutter, "He really should have picked a better friend." If Barbas is spared, Clavicus Vile will comment on the request the Dragonborn made with him.
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What is the best friend quest in Skyrim?

Skyrim's "A Daedra's Best Friend" requires players to locate a lost dog and reunite them with their master. Finding the dog is simple enough, but the path back to its owner, Clavicus Vile, can be a little confusing if players have yet to explore the area west of Falkreath.
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Is Barbas a Daedric Prince?

Barbas is the dog companion of the Daedric Prince Clavicus Vile. He is a shape shifting Daedra that often takes on the appearance of a Dog, although he is known to masquerade as a Scamp named Creeper.
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Do I have to travel with Barbas?

yeah like all followers, you don't need to go with him to the quests and you can get him to stop following you. I have the rueful axe in my log waiting to start, and barbas is at the location waiting for me to make my own way there.
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How strong is Barbas?

"As a follower, Barbas is very useful. While his bite is strong enough to kill weaker enemies like skeletons in one strike, his greatest contribution to fights is as a decoy: Barbas cannot be killed during the course of gameplay, meaning that dragons and other powerful foes can attack him all they wish with no result."
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Can I own a dog in Skyrim?

You'll occasionally encounter a random dog throughout Skyrim that you can recruit as an animal companion. Once it's following you, bring the dog to a Hearthfire home with children, and they'll ask to adopt it, which doesn't require any additional effort like feeding the pet.
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How to start pet quest in Skyrim?

Start the quest by going to The Bannered Mare inn in Whiterun. Once inside, walk over to the tavern's owner Hulda and read the "For Sale" note sitting atop the counter. After the player receives a notification that the quest has begun, travel to the first pet's location — Rorikstead.
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What happens if I tell Barbas I want to keep the axe?

On the quest "Daedra's Best Friend" with Barbas, if you kill Barbas, you lose the axe and get another artifact. If you decide not to kill Barbas, you keep the axe but it doesn't count as an artifcat.
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What breed of dog is in Skyrim?

In the video game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, the Irish Wolfhound is the breed of dog for all dogs in the base game.
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Where is Barbas Skyrim after dismissing him?

Where does barbas go if you tell him to stop following you? He. Goes back to the statue of Clavicas Vile.
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How to get Meeko in Skyrim?

Meeko is a dog that can be located by the road to the south of Meeko's Shack in Hjaalmarch. Meeko is a follower, and looks like all other dogs. Recruiting him is achieved by walking up to Meeko then running after him back to Meeko's Shack, where he will look at his dead owner.
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