What was the first race on Azeroth?

According to their own history, the night elves were the first race to "awaken" in Azeroth, (WC3Man 47) when a nocturnal tribe of humanoids called the Kaldorei (WCRPG 20) (WoWRPG #?) (S&L 128) (M&M 14) (LoC 17, 30) (APG ) settled near the Well of Eternity between ten and fourteen thousand years ago (sources differ on ...
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What is the oldest race in Azeroth?

N'raqi. The n'raqi, commonly known as the faceless ones, arose from the organic matter that seeped from the Old Gods' blighted forms during the primordial era of Azeroth.
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Who was on Azeroth first?

~ The first bunch of humanoids to walk on Azeroth were the Trolls.
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Are trolls the oldest race on Azeroth?

Oldest race on Azeroth are the trolls. Dreanei aren't from Azeroth so they are excluded from this. Draenei most likely - they trace their history back more than 30,000 years, and that is just at which the society split into the Draenei and Eredar.
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When did humans appear on Azeroth?

Humans joined the forefront of Azerothian history during the Troll Wars 2,800 years ago. Concerned that the forest trolls were becoming too great a threat, the Arathi tribe of humans embarked on a campaign to conquer its rivals through combat and politics.
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Where did the human race come from in WoW?

Approximately 15,000 years before WoW, while under the reign of King Ymiron, the vrykul began giving birth to very small (by vrykul standards) children. These off-spring are the origin point of Humanity, and their abnormal births are attributed to the Curse of the Flesh.
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Who was the first Death Knight on Azeroth?

The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul'dan as powerful soldiers of the Horde. These death knights were created by placing the souls of the slain warlocks of the Shadow Council into the corpses of fallen Stormwind knights, the first of whom was Teron Gorefiend.
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Are elves native to Azeroth?

An elf is a long-lived humanoid species native to Azeroth known for keen perception, grace, and great spellwork. They are one of the longest-lived species on Azeroth.
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What are the top 10 oldest races in the world?

The top 10 most ancient civilizations in the world are Mesopotamian Civilization, Indus Valley Civilization, Egyptian Civilization, Ancient Greek Civilization, Chinese Civilization, Persian Civilization, Roman Civilization, Maya Civilization, Incan Civilization, and Aztec Civilization.
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How old is Zul Jin?

According to Micky Neilson, the Blood of the Highborne novella's first chapter was originally meant to take place during the Troll Wars, which would have made Zul'jin around 3,000 years old.
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Who is the god of Azeroth?

Four Old Gods — Y'Shaarj, C'Thun, Yogg-Saron and N'Zoth — ruled the planet of Azeroth during its primordial age, forming what would become known as the Black Empire. When the Pantheon arrived, they sent their armies, the titan-forged, to shatter the Old Gods' citadels and crumble their empire.
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Who led the orcs to Azeroth?

The warlock led his orcish horde to Azeroth, with the aid of the sorcerer Medivh and the Dark Portal that connected the two worlds. The bloodthirsty orcs spread across the Eastern Kingdoms like a storm, conquering the lands far and wide with Gul'dan plotting and waiting for his chance to claim ultimate power.
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Who destroyed Azeroth?

Though believed dead by many, Deathwing returned in spectacular fashion after the fall of the Lich King. Entering Azeroth through Deepholm fractured the World Pillar, causing the Elemental Plane to start collapsing onto Azeroth. This Cataclysm reshaped the entire world of Azeroth and unleashed widespread destruction.
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Who is the biggest old god in wow?

As the most powerful of the Old Gods, Y'Shaarj was supposedly eradicated from existence by the Titans, resulting in a wound on Azeroth.
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Who are the original inhabitants of Azeroth?

The trolls are presumed to be Azeroth's first sentient race that emerged from the Ordering, not including the titan constructs who would later suffer the Curse of Flesh. From Zandalar, they spread across Kalimdor and formed great empires, most notably the Gurubashi and Amani.
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Who is the king of Azeroth?

The next year, his father, King Adamant Wrynn III died, and at the age of twenty, Llane was pronounced King of Azeroth and continued the battle against the orcs for ten relatively successful years, during which the invaders were held back to the Swamp of Sorrows.
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What is the oldest human race found?

Among the oldest known remains of Homo sapiens are those found at the Omo-Kibish I archaeological site in south-western Ethiopia, dating to about 233,000 to 196,000 years ago, the Florisbad site in South Africa, dating to about 259,000 years ago, and the Jebel Irhoud site in Morocco, dated about 315,000 years ago.
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What was the first human race civilization?

The first humans emerged in Africa around two million years ago, long before the modern humans known as Homo sapiens appeared on the same continent. There's a lot anthropologists still don't know about how different groups of humans interacted and mated with each other over this long stretch of prehistory.
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What is the oldest African race?

The San are the oldest known tribal residents in Africa. Evidence of their presence in modern-day South Africa dates back at least 20,000 years. Today, San tribes can be found in many African countries, including Botswana, Namibia, and Angola with a combined population estimated at around 100,000.
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Are dwarves black elves?

Dark elves (svartálfar or dökkálfar) are “blacker than ink” and live in a subterranean realm called Svartalfheim. While – as we just mentioned – Snorri states that these dark elves are the dwarves, modern fantasy writers starting with Tolkien portray dark elves as a separate type of elf while keeping dwarves distinct.
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Are orcs native to Azeroth?

The orcs once lived as shamanic clans on the lush world of Draenor. Corrupted by Kil'jaeden, a demon lord of the Burning Legion, they invaded the world of Azeroth.
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Are trolls native to Azeroth?

To my understanding, the main races that are native to Azeroth are exclusively Trolls, Goblins, and Tauren (which evolved from the Yaungol found in Pandaria). Even Proto-Drakes are from the elementals.
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Who brought guldan to Azeroth?

The warlock led his orcish horde to Azeroth, with the aid of the sorcerer Medivh and the Dark Portal that connected the two worlds. The bloodthirsty orcs spread across the Eastern Kingdoms like a storm, conquering the lands far and wide with Gul'dan plotting and waiting for his chance to claim ultimate power.
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Who brought the Orcs to Azeroth?

Khadgar would be the first to discover that it was Medivh who brought the orcs upon the lands of Azeroth.
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Can a Lich control a Death Knight?

When the Lich King's control of his death knights was broken, his former champions sought revenge for the horrors committed under his command. After their vengeance was won, the death knights found themselves without a cause and without a home.
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