When should I stop Astarion drinking blood?

Gamers who stop Astarion early will get a -1 debuff to attack rolls and ability checks for the next day. So long as Astarion drinks any blood at all, he'll get the inverse, a +1 buff to attack rolls and ability checks for one day. Switch party members and use him until the next long rest to make good use of this.
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Should you let Astarion continue?

You should probably let Astarion bite you in Baldur's Gate 3 if you want to advance your relationship, but also make sure he stops before he gets too enthusiastic about it.
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Should I let Astarion complete the ritual?

If you allow Astarion to complete the ritual, he'll become much more abrasive, though he gains an improved bite and extra necrotic damage on his spells. Power corrupts absolutely, and it's no different for Astarion, who failed to break the cycle of torment established by a vampire ages ago.
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Should you let Astarion bite the drow?

If one convinces Astarion to bite Araj, he will not approve of it, which is something to consider for players who want to romance him. But if Astarion grants Araj's request, she will reward the party with the Potion of Everlasting Vigour, which will permanently increase Strength by 2.
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Can you romance Astarion if you don't let him bite you?

During the scene, you can choose to let Astarion bite you or not. The choice here does not impact the romance at all, but letting him bite you will raise his approval of you.
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Astarion Tries to Drink your Blood: Kill, Abandon, Deny, Allow or Don't Stop | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)

What happens if you don't stop Astarion from drinking your blood?

So long as Astarion drinks any blood at all, he'll get the inverse, a +1 buff to attack rolls and ability checks for one day. Switch party members and use him until the next long rest to make good use of this. Those who don't like Astarion can banish him from the group or kill him.
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What happens if Astarion kills you?

Originally posted by Lord Adorable: He does lose himself to blood-drunkeness. You can be revived with a Scroll of Revivification. Just remmeber to select 'where' you wanna be revived after clicking your corpse so you don't think you've bugged it out for some reason.
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Will Astarion be mad if I sleep with the twins?

We have listed their reactions below: Astarion: (If in a relationship) he will not participate but doesn't mind if the player does. (If not in a relationship) he will participate but clearly disassociates. Shadowheart: She will participate and have an approval increase if players include Halsin.
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Does letting Astarion drink blood increase approval?

The simple answer is yes, as the only downside is gaining the Bloodless debuff, while Astarion gains the Happy buff and his approval rating of you increases.
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Can you mess up Astarion romance?

Romancing Astarion in Baldur's Gate 3 is complex and requires deceit and trickery to build a relationship, even involving morally questionable decisions. Astarion's romance has a push-pull dynamic, where he can be pleased or displeased by dialogue choices, often involving provoking and lying to other characters.
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Does Astarion become evil if he ascends?

If Astarion ascends, he loses all that character development and goes back to how he was when players first met him after the Nautiloid crash, but with the added evilness, hunger for power, and controlling demeanor. If the player chooses to prevent him from ascending, he later thanks them for saving him from himself.
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What should I do with Astarion?

You can convince Astarion not to go through with the ritual with a Persuasion check, leading him to simply kill Cazador. This route results in a more benevolent and "good" Astarion. This option will also lead to the pivotal decision of whether or not to kill Cazador's 7,007 vampire spawn.
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Can Astarion turn you?

He also becomes more romantically possessive, and, if the player character asks him nicely, will turn them into a vampire spawn, too. Upon another long rest, the ascended Astarion will give the player-controlled character the opportunity to turn into a vampire spawn by drinking a drop of his blood.
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Does letting Astarion feed on you ruin romance?

The biggest reason to accept the risk of Astarion's bite in Baldur's Gate 3 is to improve the protagonist's favor with the high elf rogue. Refusing the bite won't spell disaster for an Astarion romance in Baldur's Gate 3, providing only a minor setback, but accepting it is a good way to advance a bond.
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Can you miss the Astarion bite scene?

You can still romance him without getting the bite scene, you just miss out on a chunk of approval from it.
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How to romanticize Astarion?

Gain Astarion's approval by:
  1. Supporting his whims.
  2. Showing support for him concerning his condition.
  3. Aligning with characters typically referred to as monsters, such as Goblins.
  4. Being ruthless.
  5. Displaying dramatics.
  6. Presenting displays of power.
  7. Appreciating fine things.
  8. Demonstrating cruelty.
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Can you turn Astarion good?

Astarion's Good Ending Comes With A Cost In Baldur's Gate 3

While this gives Astarion the benefit of being free from Cazador's control and lets him keep the others used in the ritual alive depending on dialogue choices, he'll remain a Vampire Spawn for the foreseeable future.
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Should let Astarion ascend?

He will become a megalomaniac, demand approval, and overall become a little unbearable. This is a small price to pay for such abilities, so if players don't care about the lives of 7,000 vampires, then it's definitely worth letting Astarion become a Vampire Ascendant.
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Is Astarion an evil character?

How evil Astarion gets depends on how the main character decides to play his storyline, with a redemption arc available for those following a more benevolent path. It's possible to redeem him at the end by stopping Cazador's ritual, dooming him to vampire spawn status but sparing thousands of innocent lives.
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Is Astarion actually ok with polyamory?

The game accurately portrays polyamory in Act 3, with characters like the Drow Twins and Halsin propositioning the player and seeking consent from their partners. Astarion and Shadowheart are open to the player pursuing a relationship with Halsin, while Karlach gives consent but expresses fear of losing the player.
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Should you let Astarion bite you?

Yes, you should let Astarion bite you in Baldur's Gate 3, as it boosts your bond with him and unlocks his Vampire Bite Bonus Action.
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Can you romance Astarion after Halsin?

Romancing Halsin: The player is able to romance both Astarion and Halsin at the same time in Act Three. Upon attaining high enough approval with Halsin, the druid may approach the player character and express his love interest while acknowledging their existing relationship with Astarion.
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How long should I let Astarion drink my blood?

When you let Astarion drink your blood, you'll wake up with the Bloodless debuff. Until you long rest again, you'll have a -1 on all checks. The only way to avoid the debuff is to let him kill the character. You can always use a Scroll of Revivify the next morning or pay 200 to have Withers bring you back to life.
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How old was Astarion when he died?

Astarion's gravestone indicates that he died at the age of 39, which is considered young for an elf.
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Can you resurrect Astarion if you stake him?

So y'know how you can stake him if/when he tries to bite you in camp? Turns out in EA (early access) you can't resurrect him if you do that, not with a Res Scroll and not with that weird talking Skeleton guy.
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