Where can I find a Missouri Fox Trotter in RDR2?

Anyone that doesn't mind spending the money can purchase a Missouri Fox Trotter in RDR2 at the stables in Scarlett Meadows or Blackwater for $950.
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Can you find a Missouri Fox Trotter in the wild in RDR2?

In Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, the Silver Dapple Pinto Missouri Fox Trotter is available at the Blackwater stable. It can also be acquired in Part III during a horse herding event, where it's possible to track and capture this horse.
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Where do I get a Missouri Fox Trotter?

The horse becomes available for purchase in the epilogue after Chapter 6. The Scarlett Meadows Stables is home to the Amber Champagne Foxtrotter, while the Silver Dapple Pinto is available at the Blackwater Stables.
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Can you get the Missouri Fox Trotter as Arthur?

RDR2 | You can still get the Missouri Fox Trotter as Arthur very early in Chapter 2 - YouTube.
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What chapter do you unlock the Missouri Fox Trotter?

When you start riding, keep pating and feeding him until you develop a bond, go to a stable and stable it.
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Proper Way To Get The Best & Fastest Missouri Fox Trotter Horse Early - RDR2

How do I get a free Missouri Fox Trotter?

Once gamers have spotted the Fox Trotter, climb into the stable and start giving it food to bond with the horse. After feeding the horse a few items, players have to ride away on their current horse to get rid of the Wanted level. Then, they can return and call the Fox Trotter. It will trot right out of the stables.
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Can you get a Missouri Fox Trotter in chapter 2 of RDR2?

Once that's done, you will have a game-changing horse for Red Dead Redemption 2 in the form of the Missouri Fox Trotter as early as Chapter 2. Lastly, the player has a chance to get this horse during the “Arcadia For Amateurs” mission, which can be found in Chapter 2.
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Which is the fastest horse in RDR2?

Endgame Horse With Endgame Price

The fastest horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 is the Rose Gray Bay Arabian, which can be purchased from the Blackwater Stable for $1,250.
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Is Missouri Fox Trotter the best horse?

Today, the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse is described as every person's pleasure horse because of its gentle disposition and its comfortable ride. The breed is in demand for use in pleasure, show, versatility, trail riding, cross-country and endurance.
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What is the best horse in RDR2?

The Arabian breed is the best horse in RDR2. These horses' fiery personalities make them hard to tame, but once tamed, they're a companion Arthur will want to keep until the game's end. They have fantastic health, stamina, speed, and acceleration stats, and they are extremely intelligent.
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What stables sell Missouri Fox Trotters?

Missouri (MO)
  • Hayes Stable. Business Name. Hayes Stable. ...
  • KT's Foxtrotters. Business Name. ...
  • Laced-In-Black Ranch. Business Name. ...
  • Nichols Family Foxtrotters. Business Name. ...
  • Our Place Foxtrotters. Business Name. ...
  • Saddle & Spur. Business Name. ...
  • Stanifer Stables. Business Name. ...
  • Steven King Training & Farrier Services. Business Name.
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How many Missouri Fox Trotters are there?

MFTHBA Hall of Fame

For over 50 years, the MFTHBA, through the work of volunteers, has continually promoted the development and refinement of the Missouri Fox Trotting Horse. Today, there are more than 100,000 registered Missouri Fox Trotters around the world.
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Where do Missouri Fox Trotters live?

Missouri Fox Trotters are seen throughout the United States, as well as in Canada and several European countries, and as of 2012 the MFTHBA had registered over 97,000 horses and counts over 8,000 current members.
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Where to find the best free horse in RDR2?

Lake Isabella's infamous white Arabian is one of the best horses that can be acquired for free in Red Dead Redemption 2. For those up to the challenge, the white Arabian can be found in Ambarino at Lake Isabella.
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What is the best Foxtrotter in rdr2?

The Missouri Fox Trotter is a well-rounded multi-class breed. Their strong build and great Stamina also make them excellent work horses. They are renowned for their gentle trotting which makes them a comfortable ride.
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Can a Missouri Fox Trotter canter?

The Canter

The Missouri Fox Trotting Horse can perform an athletic lope or a collected rocking chair canter.
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Is the Missouri Fox Trotter better than the Arabian RDR2?

Sure it may not be as accelerate as fast as the Arabian, but it seems to be way less skittish and has one speed higher than the Arabian. It's silly to say that one horse in the game is the end all be all horse. There are things about the Arabian that aren't ideal.
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What's the slowest horse in RDR2?

The nag is one of the three slowest horses in the entire game, along with the Jaded Tersk and the Infested Ardennais. All three of them fall into the "one-star horses" category.
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What is the best war horse in RDR2?

The Andalusian is another great warhorse with exceptional stats. As with other similar horses, the Andalusians are known for their high health and stamina. They also have a very specific temperament that is far more aggressive than other breeds. This makes them ideal hunting horses as they are very difficult to spook.
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What is the largest horse in RDR2?

Shire horses are classed as draft horses. They can be identified by their heavyset frame, lower leg feathering and convex head profile. They are the largest and strongest breed of horse, which makes them perfect for hauling heavy carts, though their size and weight can make them more difficult to handle.
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Can I get Missouri Fox Trotter as Arthur?

You can still get the Missouri Fox Trotter as Arthur very early in Chapter 2 - RDR2.
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What is the fastest horse in RDR2?

Fastest All-Round Horse

Setting you back $950, the Missouri Fox Trotter is the fastest horse in Red Dead Online. With some rather impress stats, the Missouri Fox Trotter would most definitely be our top pick as an alternative to the Arabian's hefty price tag.
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Where is the face rock in RDR2?

You'll find this geographical feature in the state of Lemoyne, North of Rhodes, and North of the Hill Haven Ranch along the road up in the Scarlett Meadows. Look for the Face Rock on the left side of the road as you go northwest of Hill Haven Ranch.
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