Which nature is best for Lycanroc?

Maximum investment in Speed and Attack with a Jolly nature lets Lycanroc-D be as fast and as powerful as it can.
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What is the best nature for Rockruff?

Adamant and Jolly would be the best 2. Brave is one you really dont want on Lycanroc. Speed should not be lowered. I went with jolly.
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What is the best form of Lycanroc?

The Midday and Dusk Forms are more attack-centric, whereas the Midnight Form has a balanced stat spread with good defense and stamina. Comparing the stats and moves between all the Forms, Midnight Form Lycanroc has the upper hand because of its stats and combat power.
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Why is dusk Lycanroc better?

Lycanroc Dusk is fast and hits pretty hard too, meaning it can potentially take down whatever you're trying to beat with Close Combat first before they attack. It's ability,Tough Claws, synergizes well with this too, boosting the power of moves that make contact by 30%.
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What is the best Lycanroc day nature?

EVs and Nature:

Like every other Lycanroc set, this one tries to hit hard with maximum attack. Max speed with a Jolly nature is more necessary on this set than the Midday form, as Dusk form Lycanroc has less speed and may be outsped by many important targets with an Adamant nature.
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Best lycanroc form, explained in 9 mins.

What is the best nature for Lycanroc in Scarlet?

Lycanroc has a 2 Attack EV Yield, which means the best nature to have with Lycanroc is a Adamant nature due to the highest IV stat being Attack.
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What is Lycanroc strongest move?

Lycanroc (Midday) is a Rock Pokémon which evolves from Rockruff. It is vulnerable to Fighting, Ground, Steel, Water and Grass moves. Lycanroc's strongest moveset is Rock Throw & Stone Edge and it has a Max CP of 2,678.
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Which Lycanroc form is best, scarlet or violet?

Lycanroc has three forms in total, all being useful to an extent, but the best one is Dusk Form by far. It has the highest Attack out of the three and is almost as fast as Midday Form.
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What is the rarest Lycanroc?

Due to only evolving at sunset, the Dusk Form is considered the rarest of the three forms. The Dusk Form of Lycanroc is rather difficult to train due to its temperamental nature.
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What's better, day or night Lycanroc?

Both the Midday Lycanroc and Midnight Lycanroc Evolutions of Rockruff are viable. Between the two Rockruff Evolutions, Midnight Lycanroc is widely considered the better Evolution, as it has both a higher Defense Stat and Stamina Stat.
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What can beat Lycanroc?

In Pokemon Go, Dusk Form Lycanroc is a pure Rock Type Pokemon, meaning it is weak to Fighting, Grass, Water, Ground, and Steel Type Pokemon and moves. Each of these Types will deal 160 percent of the base damage from the move upon a successful hit, which poses quite a threat to Dusk Lycanroc.
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What form of Lycanroc is better?

Each form of Lycanroc in Pokemon GO possesses its own max stats, learnable moves, and maximum CP limits. To this point, Midnight Lycanroc had already pulled ahead of its Midday counterpart as the superior option in most circles.
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What is the rarest Rockruff evolution?

Dusk Form Lycanroc is considered the rarest Rockruff evolution and is therefore sought after by trainers who want to complete their Pokemon collection.
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What type is Midnight Lycanroc?

Midday form is now a Rock/Psychic type. Midnight form is now a Rock/Dark type. Dusk form is now a Rock/Fighting type.
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Why isn't Midnight Lycanroc a Dark type?

Reason: Midday is basically an ordinary wolf. Meanwhile Midnight is a beast-like werewolf, and some of the developers were surprised it wasn't already Dark type because of that. Reason: Dusk is described as having an intense fighting spirit underneath its calmness, as evidenced by its eyes turning red when it attacks.
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What type is dusk form Lycanroc?

Dusk Form Lycanroc is Rock-type and has the Ability Tough Claws. Additionally, as revealed in CoroCoro, it can learn both Accelerock (the signature move of Midday Form) and Counter (a move associated with Midnight Form).
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What is the best nature for Lycanroc?

Maximum investment in Speed and Attack with a Jolly nature lets Lycanroc-D be as fast and as powerful as it can.
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What is Lycanroc best ability?

steadfast would really be the only useful ability if you go by smogon and aren't running sandstorm team with the others being useless. Sand rush would be useful if you intend to combine it with sandstorm, or if you feel you will encounter it. Steadfast would allow for extra speed at the cost of a flinch.
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What is Lycanroc signature move?

Accelerock is a Rock-type move introduced in Generation VII. It is the signature move of Midday and Dusk Form Lycanroc.
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What is Rockruff best nature?

Rockruff Guide

Rockruff has a 1 Attack EV Yield, which means the best nature to have with Rockruff is a Adamant nature due to the highest IV stat being Attack.
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What is the best tera type for Lycanroc?

Even in spite of its weakness to five different types, Lycanroc can turn the tide by using the Terastal ability. Some good types for Lycanroc would be Flying, Grass, Fire, or Ice-types. Fire, for instance, covers its weaknesses to Grass and Steel, while Grass covers its Ground and Water disadvantages.
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What is the best team for Lycanroc?

Lycanroc fits best on teams that require an offensive entry hazard setter and a way of keeping faster foes such as Simisear in check. Pokemon that appreciate entry hazard support like Silvally-Fairy, Primeape, and Kangaskhan make for good partners, as chip damage allows them to break through bulky foes more easily.
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