Who Cannot breed with Ditto?

Ditto has the unique ability to breed with any Pokémon in the game, except those that belong in the No Eggs Discovered Group. This group contains baby Pokémon, certain special form Pokémon (like Cosplay Pikachu), and nearly all of the Mythical and Legendary Pokémon from throughout the series.
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Which legendaries can breed with Ditto?

Manaphy is the only Mythical Pokemon that can be bred with Ditto, and if you do, a Phione will come out of the egg.
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Can Mewtwo and Ditto make an egg?

Mewtwo is breedable, with the EggGroup "Legendary". Mewtwo can only be bred with a Ditto to produce more Mewtwo Eggs. If the Mewtwo Egg is obtained from the Daycare, it will count for your shiny chain. The chance of hatching a Mega Powered Mewtwo by breeding is the same as hatching any other Mega Powered Pokemon.
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Which Pokémon can't be bred?

The No Eggs Discovered Group is characterized by its members' inability to breed. Most of the Pokémon in the group are baby Pokémon, Legendary Pokémon, Mythical Pokémon, Ultra Beasts, or Paradox Pokémon.
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Can Ditto mate with males?

Even if you breed Ditto with a male Pokémon, the egg that it produces will hatch into the father's form. This is particularly useful when it comes to the starter Pokémon. While there is a chance the creature you pick at the start could be female, only 12.5 per cent of them are.
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Which Pokemon can Ditto not breed with?

What Pokémon can't mate with Ditto?

The only thing that can't breed with ditto are baby Pokemon like Riolu, pichu, togepi etc. The only thing that can't breed with ditto are baby Pokemon like Riolu, pichu, togepi etc. And the new fossils. And Type: Null.
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Is Ditto a failed Mew?

Ditto: Mew's Clone There's a long-running fan theory that Ditto's actually a failed clone of Mew. But in a 2016 interview, series director Junichi Masuda (who's been at Game Freak since before Gen 1) debunked the theory.
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Can a human breed with a Pokémon?

While there is nothing saying humans and Pokémon can't be lovers, or mates, humans and Pokémon are not genetically compatible.
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Can you breed ultra beasts with Ditto?

Ultra Beast: Despite several species being in this Egg Group, they can only breed with Ditto to produce offspring. Type: Null: The two Pokémon in this egg group, Type: Null and Silvally, are both Genderless, which prevents them from breeding with each other.
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Can you breed Charmander with Ditto?

Nope, but you can breed a male Charmander with a Ditto. What the differnce? It was a joke. Ditto can breed with anything except itself, baby pokemon, legendaries (save manaphy) and unown.
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Do two dittos make a Ditto egg?

Unfortunately, Ditto cannot breed with other Ditto. The members of the Ditto Egg Group cannot breed with each other, which means that the only way to acquire a Ditto is through catching them in the wild, trading with another player, or through claiming one in a special event.
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Can a Ditto turn into a Mew?

The General Theory and Basic Facts

Mew. The mutual ability to transform may be enough to seal the connection — if Ditto can transform into any Pokémon and if Mew can transform into any Pokémon, they already become interchangeable since they can both transform into each other.
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Can Eevee and Ditto breed?

Evolving Eevee

To do this, we recommend breeding your Eevee with a Ditto, rather than catching additional Eevees. To breed, place Eevee and Ditto in your party and then have a picnic; this will eventually cause an egg to appear in the basket near your table that can be picked up.
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Can Deoxys breed with Ditto?

Deoxys is breedable, with the EggGroup "Legendary". Deoxys can only be bred with a Ditto to produce more Deoxys Eggs. If the Deoxys Egg is obtained from the Daycare, it will count for your shiny chain.
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Can Ditto turn into Arceus?

Ditto can transform into any opposing Pokémon, taking on its form, stats, and abilities. While a Ditto transforming into an Arceus wouldn't get the benefit of the opponent's held item, it would take on the typing of the opponent's form.
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Can you breed paradox Pokémon?

You can catch each of the Paradox Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. However, you are not able to breed Paradox Pokemon the same way that you might breed regular Pokemon. So, if you want different abilities and stats, you'll need to catch a new Paradox Pokemon from Area Zero.
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Can Arceus breed with Ditto?

Arceus is breedable, with the EggGroup "Legendary". Arceus can only be bred with a Ditto to produce more Arceus Eggs. If the Arceus Egg is obtained from the Daycare, it will count for your shiny chain.
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What can Ditto not breed with?

As an exception, Ditto is compatible with almost all Pokémon regardless of gender (which is the only way for gender unknown Pokémon to breed). Pokémon in the No Eggs Discovered Egg Group cannot breed in any way whatsoever, and Ditto also cannot breed with another Ditto.
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Can you breed Zacian and Ditto?

.... Legendaries can't breed.
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Why is Vaporeon SUS?

Why don't people like Vaporeon? Not everyone was comfortable with the idea of sexualizing a children's cartoon monster, even as a joke. As a result, the Vaporeon meme became fairly controversial, particularly among some members of the Pokémon community who felt Vaporeon's good reputation had been besmirched.
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Why are people attracted to Vaporeon?

The copypasta goes on to explain that Vaporeon is just the right size for a male human to so engage with. It also describes Vaporeon's slick and wet body texture, its ability to heal and recover from fatigue, and some of the moves it can learn that might seduce a man.
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What Pokémon is best for human breeding?

Hey guys, did you know that in terms of male human and female Pokémon breeding, Vaporeon is the most compatible Pokémon for humans? Not only are they in the field egg group, which is mostly comprised of mammals, Vaporeon are an average of 3"03' tall and 63.9 pounds.
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Can Ditto defeat Mewtwo?

A level 30 Ditto with 713 CP is defeated by a level 50 Mewtwo with 54148 CP in this battle simulation. The attacking Ditto was using Unknown as its quick and Unknown as its special move. The defending Mewtwo was using Unknown as its quick and Unknown as its special move.
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Can Ditto become Legendaries?

Yes. A Ditto's transforming ability allows it to alter its DNA and body structure to mimic any Pokémon — whether that's an ordinary Rattata, “regular” legendaries like Articuno or Latias/Latios or Heatran, or even the high-end ones like Reshiram/Zekrom/Kyurem and Arceus.
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What is the rarest Mew?

Pokumon estimates only 189 copies of the 2005-2006 version of Victory Orb were officially distributed, making it one of the rarest Pokémon cards in the world. In January 2024 a PSA 10 copy of Victory Orb sold on eBay for $26,500.00, solidifying it as the most valuable Pokémon card to ever feature Mew.
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