Who is Ash's strongest Pokemon in Kanto?

Battle Win Rate: 89% (479/538) Time and time again, Pikachu has proven why he is Ash's strongest Pokemon. Pikachu partnered up with Ash when he first began his journey in the Kanto region, and though the two got off to a rocky start, their bond eventually grew, and they became inseparable.
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Who was Ash's most powerful Pokémon?

It may have never evolved fully into Typhlosion, but Quilava still cemented itself as one of Ash's best battlers.
  • 8 Naganadel.
  • 7 Snorlax.
  • 6 Infernape.
  • 5 Sceptile.
  • 4 Dracovish.
  • 3 Charizard.
  • 2 Greninja.
  • 1 Pikachu.
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What is the strongest Pokémon in Kanto?

Kanto's strongest Pocket Monster and one of the most powerful in the entire series, there's little doubt that Mewtwo is a force to be reckoned with. Sporting a base stat total of 680 with an emphasis on Sp. Attack and Speed, Mewtwo can demolish opponents in as little as one move.
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What are Ash's 6 best Pokémon?

Pikachu, Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch'd, and Dracovish are the only Pokémon Ash owns that took down champions from other regions, and are the six Pokémon that won him the World Champion title.
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What Pokémon did Ash use in Kanto?

Ash was given Pikachu by Professor Oak as the original Kanto starter Pokemon had been taken. Originally, Pikachu would not listen to Ash and constantly shocked him.
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Ash's Companions RANKED From Weakest to Strongest

What were Ash's original 6 Pokémon?

Ash's first roster of Pokémon consisted of Pikachu, Butterfree, Pidgeotto, Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Squirtle. While it is a little overpowered that Ash has all three starters, the rest of the team was still largely made up of Pokémon that were easily found in one of the game's starting areas, Viridian Forest.
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Who is the strongest Pokémon of Ash in Kanto region?

  • Nebby(a fookin legendary & not just some normal legendary, 1 of the protectors of Alola)
  • Pikachu(strongest electric Pokemon in the entire series & arguably the strongest non-legendary)
  • Charizard(Ash's 2nd most combat experienced Pokemon & it has some HARD battles under its belt)
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What is Ash's weakest Pokémon?

Pidgeot ended up reuniting with Ash in his final episode, over a thousand episodes later, but that still meant it never got a chance to fight again, making Pidgeot Ash's weakest Pokémon.
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What is Ash's rarest Pokémon?

Ash's Poipole, as a Pokémon not native to his world, was very rare, and it evolved into Naganadel, making it even rarer. Naganadel, however, eventually returned to its home dimension. Ash also had his Rockruff evolve into a unique Lycanroc, the Dusk form, which seems to be very rare.
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Did Ash catch Mewtwo?

However, Mewtwo wished to be one of Ash's Pokémon to evade being captured by someone else due to the fact that Giovanni had mass produced dozens of Master Balls to many of his agents, hunters, and poachers. Althought he was hestitant at first, Ash agreed with his request and captured Mewtwo in the Master Ball.
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What is the 1 strongest Pokemon?

Arceus. By far the most naturally powerful Legendary Pokémon, with 720 points, Arceus is the closest thing the Poké-world has to a God – and as such, has powers you won't find with any other.
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What is the rarest Kanto Pokemon?

Lapras is one of the most memorable Pokémon from the Kanto region, and while it's not a Legendary species, players get one chance to obtain one. Oddly enough, it's also not found anywhere in the wild. Rather, the player receives it as a one-time gift in Saffron City.
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Does Ash win Kanto?

Ash didn't win the league in Kanto, Johto, or Unova. Kanto's Orange League- WINNER! But this is just an anime only, local, Orange Islands only thing, not an official League. Sinnoh's Lily of hte Valley Conference- top 4.
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Who can defeat Ash easily?

Red will be the first name on the lips of Pokémon fans, in terms of a Trainer who could still beat Ash even in his current rich vein of form. Red appears at the end of the Gen II games, acting as the final boss of the Kanto region, as the Elite Four and Lance did for Johto.
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Who is Ash' future wife?

But there are a few female characters who have shown interest in Ash throughout the course of the anime with Serena coming to closest with a kiss in the last episode of the X Y & Z series. But the bottom line is Ash is not married and thus has no wife.
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Can Pikachu defeat Mewtwo?

Pikachu is nowhere near the top 10 strongest Pokemon. I can understand that Pikachu may seem extremely strong due to Ashe's Pikachu being exceptionally powerful. However even Ashe's Pikachu just can't compare against the legendary and mythical Pokémon in the franchise.
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Has Ash caught a legendary?

While Ash never did catch a Legendary, his ownership of Melmetal, along with his long-awaited World Champion victory, still places him in the highest tier of trainers seen in the Pokémon anime.
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Has Ash ever caught a shiny?

Ash caught a shiny Noctowl in the Pokémon anime during the Johto region. Shiny Pokémon have different coloration than usual, and Ash's Noctowl had a distinct color palette compared to regular Noctowl. It was a rare and unexpected encounter in the series.
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Who is Ash's top 5 strongest Pokémon?

This update adds five more of Ash Ketchum's strongest Pokemon to this list.
  • 8 Bulbasaur. ...
  • 7 Charizard. ...
  • 6 Infernape. ...
  • 5 Snorlax. Battle Win Rate: 79% (11/14) ...
  • 4 Krookodile. Battle Win Rate: 80% (4/5) ...
  • 3 Greninja. Battle Win Rate: 87% (47/55) ...
  • 2 Goodra. Battle Win Rate: 88% (14/16) ...
  • 1 Pikachu. Battle Win Rate: 89% (479/538)
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Who is Ash's closest Pokémon?

Pikachu. It's so obvious that it probably doesn't need to be said, but Pikachu is and always will be the best friend Ash ever had. No matter how great the challenge, we always knew Ash wouldn't be alone because his partner Pokémon would be at his side.
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What is Ash's fastest Pokémon?

What are Ash's top 3 fastest pokemon? For me it's 3) Greninja, 2) Gengar, 1) Pikachu
  • Best.
  • Top.
  • New.
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Who can defeat Arceus?

no pokemon in its normal form is stronger, yet Eternamax and mega evolution can beat arceus. Take mega rayquaza and mega mewtwo.
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Did Ash catch Lugia?

5 Lugia Couldn't Be Caught Without Severe Consequences

They were eventually freed by Ash and his friends, but the birds decided to fight each other in a cataclysmic battle.
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Has Ash met Arceus?

Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Sheena are transported to the present, only to discover that Arceus is still furious and has defeated Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina. Arceus spots Ash and recognizes him due to history's alterations, and reverses the destruction it caused and heals its former adversaries.
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