Why do doctors not take the newborn whole umbilical cord?

Delayed umbilical cord clamping appears to be beneficial for term and preterm infants. In term infants, delayed umbilical cord clamping increases hemoglobin levels at birth and improves iron stores in the first several months of life, which may have a favorable effect on developmental outcomes.
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Why do doctors have to cut the umbilical cord?

Doctors traditionally cut the cord so quickly because of long-held beliefs that placental blood flow could increase birth complications such as neonatal respiratory distress, a type of blood cancer called polycythemia and jaundice from rapid transfusion of a large volume of blood.
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What do hospitals do with the umbilical cord after birth?

After the umbilical cord is cut, it is often thrown away, along with the life-saving hematopoietic stem cells. But parents can request their child's umbilical cord blood be donated instead.
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What happens if the whole umbilical cord doesn't fall off?

Also, talk to your baby's healthcare professional if the stump still hasn't fallen off after three weeks. Your baby might need treatment for a medical issue such as an infection or an immune system condition.
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Do they cut the umbilical cord before delivery?

While there may be some benefits of waiting to cut your baby's umbilical cord, the cord may need to be clamped and cut prior to his/her shoulders being exposed during labor if the cord is wrapped around their neck.
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Newborn examination / check after birth

Why do hospitals cut the umbilical cord right away?

Immediate umbilical cord clamping has traditionally been carried out along with other strategies of active management in the third stage of labor in an effort to reduce postpartum hemorrhage. Consequently, concern has arisen that delayed umbilical cord clamping may increase the risk of maternal hemorrhage.
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What happens if you don t cut the umbilical cord right after birth?

Waiting to clamp and cut the umbilical cord after birth does not cause problems for babies or mothers. Health care providers used to be worried that waiting to clamp and cut the umbilical cord might increase jaundice (yellowing of the baby's skin).
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What causes an outie belly button?

An outie belly button is when the belly button protrudes outward instead of going inward. It's thought to be a normal variation in how the umbilical cord stump healed after falling off. It could also indicate an umbilical hernia or granuloma, both of which usually resolve on their own or with minimal treatment.
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What does a healthy umbilical cord look like when it falls off?

Between one to three weeks, the stump dries up and falls off. As the stump dries, it shrinks and changes in color from yellowish-green to brown to black before falling off.
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What do they do with the mother's umbilical cord?

It is expelled from the mother within a half-hour after birth. It is still attached to the placenta, which is commonly called “the afterbirth.” With its function completed, it is no longer needed and so is discarded by the mother's body. Yes, a new cord develops for each child.
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Why do people save placenta?

Some people believe that eating the placenta can prevent postpartum depression; ease bleeding after delivery; promote a healthy hormone balance in the body; improve mood, energy and milk supply; and provide important nutrients, such as iron.
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Do you have to pay to keep your umbilical cord?

Private cord blood banking costs a lot. Banks charge $1,000 to $2,000 to start storage, then fees of more than $100 a year. Cord blood is tested for diseases. You could find out about a gene that may one day give your child a disease.
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What is the golden hour of birth?

The time immediately following birth is known as the Golden Hour when it comes to mother-baby bonding. During this period, skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby is critical to promote attachment, reduce stress for both mother and baby and to help baby adapt to life outside of the womb.
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Do they still let dads cut the umbilical cord?

After all, cord blood is found within the umbilical cord, and collected by a cord blood specialist within minutes after the delivery of the baby. However, fathers who insist on cutting the umbilical cord can still take part in the birthing process.
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What do hospitals do with placenta and umbilical cord?

Unless donated, the placenta, umbilical cord, and stem cells they contain are discarded as medical waste.
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Did Adam and Eve have belly buttons?

Some theologians claim that Adam and Eve did not have navels since they were not born of a woman. Others argue that since Adam and Eve were the perfect models of humankind, God would have created them with navels.
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What belly button can't be pierced?

If you have a true outie navel, you probably can't pierce it. This is because an outie is scar tissue from where the umbilical cord was cut and scar tissue shouldn't be pierced. With an innie navel, only surface skin is pierced.
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Why do people do lotus births?

The practice is performed mainly for spiritual purposes, including for the perceived spiritual connection between the placenta and the newborn. As of December 2008, no evidence exists to support any medical benefits for the baby.
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Can a baby be born without an umbilical cord?

Body stalk anomaly (also known as absence of the umbilical cord syndrome) is a fatal condition resulting from maldevelopment of embryonic body folding and is associated with multiple congenital defects.
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Should I clean baby's belly button after cord falls off?

When your baby is born, the umbilical cord is cut and there is a stump left. The stump should dry and fall off by the time your baby is 5 to 15 days old. Keep the stump clean with gauze and water only. Sponge bathe the rest of your baby, as well.
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Do babies feel pain when the umbilical cord is cut?

Shortly after birth, it will be clamped and cut off. There are no nerve endings in your baby's cord, so it doesn't hurt when it is cut. What's left attached to your baby is called the umbilical stump, and it will soon fall off to reveal an adorable belly button.
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Can I ask the doctor to not cut the umbilical cord?

Midwives and doctors are trained to make decisions to help babies adapt to the outside world. It may be possible to help your baby without cutting the cord. If they can, your healthcare team will provide any immediate care that your baby needs and keep baby close to you while the cord is intact.
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How long do doctors wait to cut the umbilical cord?

The World Health Organization recommends that the umbilical cord not be clamped earlier than 1 minute after birth in term or preterm newborns. The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists also recommends deferring umbilical cord clamping for healthy term and preterm infants for at least 2 minutes after birth.
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