Why is Ranni in a doll body?

Ranni used the other half of the stolen rune to kill her physical body and escape the control of the Greater Will, binding her soul to a doll modeled after her mentor, the ice witch Renna. Soon after, Marika attempted to destroy the Elden Ring, and a devastating war, the Shattering, ensued.
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Is Ranni's body a doll?

After obtaining the Death rune, Ranni uses it to separate herself from the Greater Will. This causes her physical body to die, yet her spirit is still intact. For some unknown reason, Ranni decides to possess the body of a doll. The body hinders her in some way as she is in a more weakened state.
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When did Ranni become a doll?

In what would become known as the Night of Black Knives, the assassins murdered Godwyn the Golden, killing him in spirit, while Ranni killed herself in body, transferring her spirit into a doll said to be modeled after the image of her mentor, the Snow Witch.
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What do I do with the Ranni doll?

Use. Speak to the doll three times at the Ainsel River Main site of grace and she will ask you to hunt down the Baleful Shadows. You can continue to talk to her as you explore the area and she will reveal more of her lore. Once you defeat him she will give you the Discarded Palace Key.
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Why did Ranni become a doll on Reddit?

The reason Ranni is a doll is more related to a inside joke between the developers about people who "fall in love with videogame characters". That's why the only "romanceable" in From Software games is a doll... and it worked: The "waifu" audience absolutely love Ranni.
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Elden Ring - They're all the same

Why did Ranni turn herself into a doll?

Ranni used the other half of the stolen rune to kill her physical body and escape the control of the Greater Will, binding her soul to a doll modeled after her mentor, the ice witch Renna. Soon after, Marika attempted to destroy the Elden Ring, and a devastating war, the Shattering, ensued.
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Is Melania and Ranni the same person?

No, Ranni is the child of Rennala and Radagon and Melina would the the daughter of Marika and an unknown father. I read and quote below. Radagon then left Renalla to marry Marika, leaving the Queen of the Full Moon in anger and grief.
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What happens if you don't talk to Miniature Ranni?

Pass through and you'll find an ominously red area where you'll be attacked by the Baleful Shadow. Note that if you haven't spoken to the Ranni doll, the Baleful Shadow will not appear. Once you pick up the Miniature Ranni the Witch doll, you'll have this option to speak to it at a Site of Grace.
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How to marry Ranni?

Interact with Ranni's doll body to place the Dark Moon Ring on Ranni's finger. Her doll body will then disappear and Ranni, fully restored to her previous life-sized doll form, will appear and thank the player. She confirms that the player is now her consort and promises that they will meet again.
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Can you turn Ranni into a puppet?

Return to Seluvis and give him the Amber Starlight to receive the Magic Scorpion Charm. Seluvis will then give you the Amber Draught, which will turn Ranni into his oh-so-desired puppet.
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Why did Ranni want to get rid of her body?

This destabilizes the perfect order of things. ranni wants to shed her body, but live on as a soul. Since she is an empyrean, an empyrean soul must die for her body to die. She steals a fragment of destined death and uses it to kill her own body, and Godwyn's soul.
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Is blaidd related to Ranni?

Blaidd was created by Ranni's own Two Fingers as a vassal to Lunar Princess Ranni and to be incapable of treachery towards her, as she was one of the three Empyreans candidates chosen by the Greater Will, along with Miquella and Malenia, to eventually replace their mother Queen Marika the Eternal as the God of a new ...
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Why does blaidd go mad?

Iji explains that Blaidd will go mad if Ranni goes against the will of the Two Fingers, as they created him to be both her faithful shadow and an unwitting safeguard in case of her rebellion. And indeed, if her questline is pursued, this tragically comes to pass at the base of Ranni's Rise .
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Why did Doll Skin break up?

“Merch costs also started going up, and so did the cost of the RV that we had, and instead of being able to have the four of us pitch in, like it always had been, it just became me.” Because of this, Dolezal plans to disband Doll Skin.
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Why is the girl doll a misfit?

It turns out, the doll barely appeared in the original script, so the author did not explain why she was on the island. But over the years, as the special was revised, the doll got more screen time and lines. One of the producers behind the special, Arthur Rankin, says he believes her problems are "psychological."
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What race is Ranni?

Ranni is the daughter of Rennala and Radagon. She is the last princess of the Carian Royal family as the crest from Iji tells us. She is also an Empyrean chosen by The Two Fingers (vassals of the Greater Will) , meaning she is a canidate to take over Marika's role as queen.
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Is Ranni married to tarnished?

I also discuss the Discarded Palace Key and some visual details from the cutscene where the Tarnished swears their oath of marriage to Ranni. #eldenring #ranni #rannithewitch #eldenringlore #soulsborne.
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What happens if you say yes to Ranni?

Should You Serve Ranni the Witch? Ranni will ask you to serve her once you reach her. There are no negative consequences to saying yes - only boons, such as more story questlines and unique rewards. You must complete Ranni's questline to continue Fia's Questline, which unlocks yet another unique ending as well.
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What happens if you refuse to serve Ranni?

Players will find Ranni in the tower, and, when they approach her, she will ask them to serve her. If players decline Ranni's offer and choose not to help, there are no downsides, and players can continue on their quest to find the Erdtree.
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Is Ranni the witch evil?

Ranni. She's responsible for the entire mess that you, as the player, have to deal with. She is absolutely ruthless, single minded to the point of obsession, uses her people with no thought for their welfare, and she will turn on you the moment you deviate even slightly from following her orders.
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What to do after giving Ranni the Fingerslayer Blade?

Use the teleporter in Renna's Rise

Now that you've delivered the Fingerslayer Blade to Ranni, head to Renna's Rise directly opposite Caria Manor. You should find that the tower is no longer barred, and you can now enter it and reach the top.
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What is Melina's left eye?

With Melina, we know she is burned and bodiless, so her right eye is open, because that's her spiritual body, but when the Erdtree is burned, the seal over her left eye, which also seals her physical body, loses her power and she becomes unleashed, apparently able to mete out Destined Death.
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What is the mark on Melinas' eye?

The mark above the Melina's eye is of a crow foot.
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Who is the one eyed girl in Elden Ring?

Melina is a mysterious, spectral girl who is the deuteragonist of Elden Ring. She offers an alliance with the Tarnished to help them on their journey.
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